
INSURRECTION: Rand Paul Dares Lawless Mayor To Defy Trump’s Deportation Order… ‘Removed From Office’

The law is NOT on the defiant mayor's side, and he may not like where that road leads him

Denver’s Mayor seems to be trying out for leader of the next ‘resistance’ movement. It has been such an effective way of rising through Dem ranks in the past. But this may not work out the way he hopes.

The mayor of Denver has made a big to-do about how he was going to stop Trump from sending illegal aliens back to where they came from. That position is putting him on a collision course with the federal statutes on enforcing laws about illegal immigration.

The mayor is on the wrong side of that law. He’s made a big show about not being afraid to go to jail… but what if JAIL isn’t the question here. What if it’s a question of being disqualified from ever holding a pubic office?

A lesser public official defying a lawful order given by the Federal government is a form of insurrection. Does that word ring a bell? It should, you’ve all been screaming it for about 4 years now.

Getting arrested gives someone like the mayor plenty of street cred with his leftist buddies. But being barred from running for public office? That’s life-changing. You have no more favors you can offer to the donor class, no serious prospects on the talking circuit, no book deals, and worst of all — no opportunity for social climbing in the political world, where all those other opportunites get upgrades as you go along.

But this isn’t 2016, and Trump’s picks are NOT riding a hard learning curve as they go along. Some of them already know their jobs VERY well. Like Tom Homan, who is NOT playing around, and will NOT be wasting time.

Rand Paul went onto Face The Nation and laid out the stakes in terms so simple that even regular FTN viewers could follow the logic.

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It’ll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want a feel-good book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain’t for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if … your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ’s death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

Get your copy of Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men TODAY!

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck