Epic Trump Quotes… Do You Remember Them All?
Albin Sadar is back... this time he's bringing some of his favorite Trumpisms
Any President worth his salt has at least a couple of memorable phrases that capture either his presidency, or some aspect of his personality. And few people have more fun with the English language than DJT. Here are a few of the more memorable Trumpisms.
Reagan had the ‘Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall’ line. Others have encouraged us to ‘ask not what our country can do for us’… or that we had ‘nothing to fear but fear itself’. Dubya had his moment in the rubble at Ground Zero. And Slick Willy brought the country through an existential crisis on the meaning of ‘is’.
But Trump’s a whole other animal than any of the presidents that came before him. He’s got a style and manner of speaking like none other, a mixture of some of the most unlikely influences from hi-powered Madison avenue hype-men to dirt-under-the-fingernails work crews that bring his real estate visions to life, throw in some natural comedic timing and a larger-than-life personality and you’ve got a recipe for some truly memorable statements… even without his dramatic survival of a plot to take his life.
Here’s Albin Sadar reuniting with his old friend Eric Metaxas, talking about some of the quotes he finds the funniest. There’s so much material there’s always going to be more that you can’t squeeze in — like when he taunted Little Rocket Man with his ‘red button’… which all the ‘experts’ were convinced would throw us into WWIII, but it did almost the opposite.