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HILARIOUS: Kurt Schlicter’s Truthbombs Were Too Much For Brit Lib To Handle (VIDEO)

Imagine coming out of that conversation thinking that the GUEST was the moron

If this guy represents the state of Europe’s intellectual elite, it explains why they’re in the shape they’re in.

After the horrific crash in DC, questions have been raised, not the least of which includes concerns that prioritizing diversity hiring strategy has elevated identity boxes above competence and merit. It’s one thing to have some third-tier incompetent running a random middle-management department in the widget factory. It’s quite another to have mission-critical decisions that need to be made with almost no margin of error.

Trump weighed in with criticism of the hiring practices of Buttigieg focusing on something OTHER than merit.

A year ago, 11 Republican AGs had already raised complaints about DEI hiring practices endangering the safety of air travel.

That past criticism, like the story cited below, bolsters Trump’s criticism of bad hiring policy putting air travelers at risk.

The assessment disqualified more experienced, qualified applicants, many of them graduates of Air Traffic Collegiate Training or who had other critical experience, such as a pilot’s license.
More than 3,000 rejected applicants filed a lawsuit claiming discrimination. The FAA dropped the biographical assessment in 2018 after Congress passed a law banning its use.
As late as last year, the FAA was recruiting those with targeted disabilities, including “hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.” The recruitment began during the Obama administration and appears to have continued through Mr. Trump’s first term and into Mr. Biden’s presidency. — WashingtonTimes

Kurt Schlicter whose extensive (bio) is too long to cite here, went as a guest on British Television to discuss the reaction to the mid-air collision in DC. Not surprisingly, the Brits took umbrage at Trump laying blame on the DEI aspect.

They are used to politicians on the right being properly subjugated to the ideas of the day, bending the neck and the knee to perceived authority in the media, rather than looking them in the eye, poking them in the chest and telling them where they can step off.

In short, they’re not used to Americans like Kurt Schlicter… and it shows.

Some clown named Iain Dale cut the call short in a huff after Kurt started BBQing British sacred cows.

Can someone do a wellness check on Iain? Or did he just need a good cry to sort himself out?

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck