Once-Peaceful Sweden Now Averaging One Bombing A Day — Guess Why?
Are you hearing anything about this in your local news?

To call it a crisis is an understatement, and yet hardly anyone in the American media even knows it’s happening. They’d rather scold Americans for defending the Second Amendment.
Europe is forever changed since the migrant crisis of 2015, the one whose origin is largely owed to the fall of Libya after Gaddafi was killed (thanks Hillary) and the Syrian Civil War (thanks to Obama’s CIA funding the terrorists)
Trump rose to prominence in the first place because he recognized this as a problem — and wanted to do something about it — at a time when most other people were calling it a good thing. Europeans were waving signs, welcoming migrants.
Ten years later, we can evaluate the changes that have come in the wake of that welcome. One of the most dramatic examples most of us hardly hear about is seen in Sweden.
Do you know about the bombings? Mainstream media practically trips over themselves to talk about gun violence here in America, but do you know what’s been happening in Sweden lately? Here’s a clue:
You know it’s bad when Swedish real estate agents cite ‘no bombings’ as a feature to make a neighborhood desirable.
It’s gotten so bad that the government admits it has ‘lost control’ of the violence at an emergency meeting where they’re looking at changing laws to close loopholes about charging and surveilling minors now being exploited by criminal gangs.
“Sweden is in the midst of a new wave of violence; it’s primarily the bombings that are increasing, with almost one occurring every day,” Kristersson told reporters on Thursday.
“It’s abundantly clear that we do not have control over this wave of violence; otherwise, we wouldn’t be here,” he added.
In 2024, there were 317 total blasts reported by police, which has coincided with a troubling escalation in gang-related conflicts.
According to the Swedish prime minister, gang violence is now affecting entire communities, showing “total indifference” to the consequences in residential areas. The Swedish Police Authority estimated in 2024 that 1,700 under-18s were active members of criminal networks. — Euractive
Another European news site gives more context:
But since the turn of the century, the government’s own reports tell a story of a nation with skyrocketing homicides primarily driven by gun violence and an influx of international criminals sweeping into disadvantaged areas.
Only Albania and Montenegro are ahead of Sweden in the rankings of gun deaths per capita within Europe and the city of Malmo is now classed as more dangerous than Baghdad.
On Wednesday, Salwan Momika, 38, known for repeatedly burning the Koran, was gunned down in his Stockholm apartment. In a press conference following the killing Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson told the media it was “obvious that we have no control over the wave of violence”.
“Before when [someone shot] a gun they tended to run away,” Khoshnood said, “[But the Emporia killer] didn’t try to do anything. It just put the gun back in his pants, took out his phone, ordered a cab and waited for it to come and get him.” — Express
The Emporia killer was 15 years old.
A decade ago, anyone who questioned the wisdom of mass immigration of people with a wildly different way of life were written off as bigots. But now we’ve had a decade to evaluate the results of such reckless immigration policy.
Thirty-one bombings in a month and gun crime in the same level as Albania and Montenegro? That’s NOT what Sweden looked like a mere generation ago.
Maybe — just maybe — Trump’s immigration policy is motivated by something other than what leftists reflexively CLAIM it is motivated by.