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It’s Been A GOOD Week For Pro-Lifers — Here’s Why

Pro-Life NeverTrumpers have a plate of crow ready for them.

Remember when conservative NeverTrumpers claimed to oppose him because he didn’t take pro-life issues seriously enough? Will they be moving the goalposts again, or will they apologize?

President Donald J Trump was about as unlikely a champion of the pro-life movement as you might expect… and yet, you can’t argue with the results he’s delivered.

Let’s look at recap of what the administration that wasn’t Pro-life enough has been up to in the last few days.

For starters, we’ve got the pardons he passed for 23 pro-lifers the Biden Administration was aggressively prosecuting over FACE act violations that involved blocking a sidewalk and praying too close to the abortion provider — while failing to enforce that very same law when pro-abortion zealots were firebombing or vandalizing protected pro-life facilities and Churches.

Trump has shut down taxpayer dollars going to abortion, and he’s enforcing adherence to the Hyde Amendment, reversing Biden’s aggressive pro-abortion violation of that legislation. The order has got Planned Parenthood’s knickers in a knot.

Looking into reviving the Comstock Act, which would limit the ability to send abortion pills interstate by mail.

JD Vance was speaking at the March For Life…

And isn’t it odd that, only a week into Trump’s Second Term as President, California dropped their felony charges against the pro-life documentarians who exposed the ‘Baby Parts For Sale’ stories, and had ten years of their life wrapped up in defending themselves from prosecution in a case launched under Kamala Harris?

Short clip of the hidden video where providers were casually talking about dealing in baby parts here.

It couldn’t have anything to do with the interest Trump’s appointees have in rooting out and (potentially) prosecuting incidents where the law has been weaponized against political rivals, could it?

Trump said he would let the states decide these issues. There’s a word for that: Federalism.

Weird how Dems are more interested in arresting whistleblowers and praying grandmothers than they are in people profiting from the sale of human remains, isn’t it?

Now it’s up to Pro-lifers to win the moral argument at the local level… no different than the task facing abolitionists when the GOP was first formed. The good news is, difficult though it was, our side eventually won that battle.

There’s no reason to think this question is any more insurmountable.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck