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New Jersey Drones: Trump’s New PressSec Tells Us What Biden Never Did

Funny how BIDEN was the one promising 'transparency', isn't it?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’ve got bad news for all those ‘little green men’ enthusiasts. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith will NOT be breaking out their fancy red flashlights.

The wave of panic that was kicked off when wave after wave of drones were spotted in New Jersey came mainly from the fact that speculation filled in all the gaps where the Feds didn’t give us answers.

The usual suspects went straight to the question of aliens. Others had elaborate theories about secret plans by the government. A few people in positions of authority spoke in hushed tones about actions taken by hostile powers, either as a show of force to demoralize us (think China’s spy balloon) or to gather sensitive data about us — we heard reports of drone sightings over military installations, for example.

When Senators told us that even the classified briefings were not giving them satisfactory explanations of what was going on, and reports circulated about authorities being instructed to wear special predictive gear if they investigated a crash, the speculation only got worse.

The evasive non-answers from Biden’s people didn’t help any. If anything they increased the uncertainty and whipped the public into a frenzy.

Under Biden, we never did get any answers. Then along came Trump. Would we see a change in how open the new administration would be with the public, or would we get the same bureaucratic non-answers?

It didn’t take long to find out. In the first day of Trump’s newly-minted PressSec, she

Was it a perfect answer? No. But we do understand that are, in fact, some things a government cannot, tell us. We were told two things:

1) that the FAA had given approval of the flights. If this is accurate, that means we can rule out foreign actors and little green men.

2) We’re told there was some kind of unspecified ‘research purposes’.

It’s not a perfect answer, or one as complete as we would like. But it’s an answer. And a reasonably plausible one.

Giles Volume II The Trump Collection (Doug Giles Art Collection)

This Donald Trump art book is the victory lap that conservatives have been waiting for since 2020. This hard-cover, full-color glossy collection by conservative painter, Doug Giles, will entertain you for hours on end and quickly become a valuable collector’s item as an icon of the MAGA movement.

“I’ve had a blast painting my Trump Collection over the last seven years. Several of these paintings made me laugh so hard that milk came out of my nostrils, and I haven’t had milk for thirty-six years. These epic paintings now reside in bars, hunting camps, man caves, she sheds, trophy rooms, and God and Country MAGA homes from sea to shining

One word of warning before you purchase this Trump Collection: This book will spawn liberal tears, Marxist rage, and NeoCon hissy fits, of course.

Finally, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this DJT gaggle of my gadfly oil paintings.” God bless, and stay rowdy. Doug Giles

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck