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Vote PROVES Dems Love Criminals More Than Children — Judge For Yourself!

What other explanation is there?

Dems love to rally around stories of children when it suits a cause they care about (David Hogg even parlayed it into political celebrity status), but they change their tune when the narrative is against them.

Their own legislative record testifies against them.

In Washington State, quietly under the radar of most Americans, with the innocuous name “House Bill 1296“, a piece of legislation is making its way through the system.

Not surprisingly, it sets out to elevate the rights and privileges of the school to meddle in the personal lives of children in their care, while diminishing the current rights of their parents to be involved in potentially life-changing decisions, especially as relates to questions of gender dysphoria.

Conveniently, this is dressed up in the language of non-discrimination and concern for the child. But all of that gloss falls apart when you see the provisions that have been rejected by the Democrats in control.

If you look at the bill history, no amendments have been passed. That does not mean that none have been proposed.

Opposition to the bill, as recorded in the text of the House Bill report is as follows:

(Opposed) Parents are the first teachers and overseers of their children. Parental support is
essential to student success. This bill undermines trust that was rebuilt after the pandemic
through Initiative 2081. This bill should be rejected to preserve vital parent/student trust.
This bill overrides parents and is contrary to new federal regulations. Passing this bill may
jeopardize federal funding

When given a choice between protecting children and protecting their abusers…?

Let their actions speak for themselves:

And what they’ve concealed in the past stand as testimony against them.

But we’re supposed to get all weepy when Selena Gomez or AOC gets the sads because illegal aliens are deported?

No thanks.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck