Red China

China. The world’s most populous nation and one of the few remaining communist regimes. And within twenty years of being a communist dictatorship under Mao Zedong, at least sixty to seventy million people died, with most of the deaths taking place during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. And it’s a good bet the death toll in China has continued since then.
With the end of the Cold War in 1991, some thought China would soon abandon communism. But it was not to be.
Some thought China could not pose a threat to America. But that is not the case. Why? Because during the 1990s, the Clinton Administration, due to its globalist view of international relations, decided to declassify military data and loosen security measures at American weapons laboratories. In addition, the Clinton Administration sold missile technology and nuclear secrets to the Chinese. It should also be noted that some of China’s agents had contributed to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, and that some of Clinton’s top campaign donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to the Chinese. Meanwhile, the Clinton Administration awarded a contract to Hutchinson Whampoa Limited (a Hong Kong-based shipping firm with ties to the Chinese Government). Such a contract enabled this firm to control the entry ports of the Panama Canal. As a result of these policies, China not only controls the Panama
Control but is also capable of launching nuclear missiles at America.
As if giving China missile technology and nuclear secrets weren’t bad enough, Dr. Anthony Fauci decided to provide funding to China’s Wuhan Institute, which in turn, developed the Covid-19 Virus (in collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army). As a result, China has practically engaged in biological warfare.
But China’s production of biological weapons did not matter to Old Joe Biden, who once said that “the Chinese aren’t bad folks”. That’s because he and his son Hunter have been involved in business deals with the Chinese, e.g. Rosemont Seneca Partners and the Bank of China; the sale of natural gas to China in 2017.
During the Biden Administration, the following actions/events took place:
- Old Joe Biden rescinded the ban on Chinese involvement in America’s power grid by authorizing the sale of the purchase of transformers and other electric grid equipment made in China.
- Lifted the travel restrictions that the Trump Administration imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Reversed a Trump Administration policy requiring all schools to disclose information with the Confucius Institute, thus allowing Chinese propaganda to be allowed into American schools.
- Putting an end to monitoring Chinese influence in American schools.
- The production and distribution of fentanyl.
- Allowing an Open Borders Policy, which allowed many Chinese citizens to enter the United States illegally.
- Ended an investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 Pandemic, i.e. it originating in the Wuhan Institute.
- Chinese warplanes flying into Taiwan’s airspace on more than one occasion.
- The sale of one million barrels of oil from the strategic reserve to China.
- Chinese donations to the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania in return for the Biden Administration promoting China’s energy policies.
- A Chinese spy balloon was allowed to fly across the United States before being shot down on the Atlantic Coast.
Thus, China is perhaps the biggest threat to national security, and it must be dealt with.