School Set To Ban Cartwheels — No, This Isn’t Satire

This is just the latest of many crazy school bans that affect the way kids play.
These schools talk out of both sides of their mouths — on the one hand, obesity is an ‘epidemic’, kids don’t get enough exercise, and they are addicted to screens. On the other hand, we shouldn’t be ‘body shaming’, kids need to be protected, and new technology is the way of the future!
Please, just pick a side!
Well, it appears that the schools have on at least one of those things.
You’ve heard about ‘Big Business’, ‘Big Banks’, ‘Big Oil’. Well, here’s a new one for you: ‘Big Safety’ brought to you by the makers of Bubble Wrap™.
There has been a ‘War on Kids’ — kids can’t walk anywhere by themselves anymore or take a city bus without parental supervision, they can’t play ball at school, they can’t play tag, and now a school is banning cartwheels.
And it’s all in the name of ‘safety’ because kids can get hurt playing sports, running, and doing ‘kid things’ like cartwheels.
A school in the northern Ontario town of Callander, not far from North Bay, has issued a draft handbook of playground rules for the 2017-18 school year — and among the prohibited activities is the common feet-to-hands-to-feet flip.
No reported injuries prompted the ban, said Todd Gribbon, principal at M.T. Davidson public school.
“The activity can cause concussions, and neck and wrist injuries,” he said.
Source: Ottawa Citizen
So, what are the kids supposed to do on the playground?
Stand around and work on their next protest chant?
‘Hey, hey! Ho, ho! These swingsets they have got to go! Hey, hey! Ho, ho! We could get hurt on them doncha know!’
This is why we have the coddled, perpetually outraged snowflakes that we have now.
Everyone gets a trophy, you can’t say anything that might hurt someone’s feelings, and kids aren’t allowed to be kids and get hurt.
This is dangerous for them in the long-run.
How will they learn?
I remember the first time I tried a cartwheel, I fell on my face. So did half of the other kids.
I learned that that was the wrong way to do it.
After all, isn’t being a kid filled with scrapes and bruises?
How do you learn to keep trying to do the things that are hard if you don’t learn that lesson through the little things like cartwheels?
Perseverance is a skill that we need more of today.
What do you think of the banning of balls, tag, and cartwheels at schools?
Let us know in the comments.
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male