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The Princess’ ‘Racist’ Jewelry Offends The Media — Why Doesn’t Hip-Hop?

Some are offended.

I totally get it.

If white people were depicted as servants, I would consider it racist and be highly offended. In particular I am highly offended of the depiction of Hazel, the fictitious 1960’s sitcom character. She is always portrayed as a white servant who is consigned to her lot in life and even seems to enjoy it.

I understand, then, why the “racist” Blackamoor brooch worn by Princess Michael of Kent to a Christmas event irked the media.

Blackamoor art is considered racist because it frequently depicts blacks as servants.

This, of course, is far worse than another art form — hip-hop music — that not only portrays blacks as foul-mouth, violent, psychopathic drug bums, but glorifies the life style and is attributed to countless deaths of young black males. See video below.


The brooch worn by the 72-year-old princess is benign and harmless. The image, itself, was not demeaning. It was the apparent art form that the media found repulsive.

Which is worse? Which is more detrimental to black people? Blackamore art? Or hip-hop music?

The 30,000-year-old British culture is being erased in our generation … and the media is in a hissy over a harmless brooch?

Image: Excerpted from:, CC BY 4.0,

Kenn Daily

Kenn Gividen (aka, Kenn Daily) is the publisher of Now 64 years old, Kenn formed his conservative views at the age of 14 and was an early member of Young Americans for Freedom. He is a vociferous anti-racist but sets himself apart from most conservatives by refusing to be bullied into silence regarding racial issues. Violent black crime is a signature issue of his website. Kenn is a semi-retired business owner. He lives in Indiana with his wife of 40 years. He has two grown children -- a daughter and son -- four grandchildren, and two granddogs.