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Watch: President Trump Blasts ‘Fake News Media’ For Not Hunting Down The Biden Corruption Story

President Trump repeatedly tells the Partisan Press to “Be quiet!” and let him speak.

During one of President Trump’s “chopper talk” moments with the Media(D), he blasted them for not examining the Biden-Ukraine connection a little further, and it was a thing of beauty.

In less than a minute, President Trump summarizes the Biden-Ukraine corruption story and lambasts the Media(D) for not making a bigger deal about it.

TRUMP: Take a look at Biden and you’ll see tremendous corruption because what he did is quid pro quo times ten. And let me just say — [Reporters interrupting] Be quiet! Quiet! QUIET! QUIET! Are you ready?

REPORTERS: Did you ask the DOJ? Did you ask your DOJ anything? Did you ask the DOJ?

TRUMP: Are you ready? I never spoke to him about anything. It’s up to Bill Barr. Bill Barr can do whatever he wants to do — but I saw the same tape on television, and the tape shows that Joe Biden is a crook! He’s 100 percent crooked and the fake news, which is you and you, don’t want to do anything about it.

REPORTER: We reported it.

TRUMP: His son walked out with millions of dollars from Ukraine, millions of dollars from China — he doesn’t know anything. He walked away with a stash. It’s a corrupt deal. It’s a corrupt enterprise and if the press did it right, it’s a helluva story.

What a difference this administration is from the previous one.

Despite all of the Media(D) claims that are attempting to disparage Attorney General Bill Barr as a pro-Trump partisan hack, the President says in this clip that he’s allowing the AG to do whatever he wants to do.

That’s a pretty far cry from Eric Holder proudly proclaiming that he was Obama’s “wingman.”

President Obama said that “transparency” would be the hallmark of his administration…

…but, ironically, it has been the Trump administration that has given significant access to the President directly.

I’m just not sure that they like it very much.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker