WATCH: Tucker Carlson Takes A Blowtorch To The ‘Blacks Are Hunted By Police’ Narrative Using WaPo Data
Across the country, protests opposing systemic racism and police brutality against African Americans have turned into riots once the sun goes down. The question no one asked is if the narrative was true.
Tucker Carlson asked the question on his show and, interestingly, he used the Washington Post as his source. Since 2015, WaPo has been tracking fatal shootings by on-duty police officers. According to WaPo, this was in response to the FBI undercounting fatal police shootings by more than half. The newspaper discovered this when investigating the death of Michael Brown in 2014.
The data that WaPo has collected, however, doesn’t quite fit the headlines that they print and the narrative that they–and the rest of the Media(D)–continue to push.
This is really important because we now have tens of thousands of people rioting, looting, burning things down, assaulting people, and, yes, even murdering law enforcement officers as well as civilians, because they believe that blacks in America are being hunted down by the police. Ben Crump, the attorney for George Floyd’s family, wrote a book stating that the systemic racism in the United States is tantamount to “genocide” of African Americans.
In his opening monologue on Wednesday night, Tucker takes on the narrative and the results of that narrative.
His entire monologue is worth watching, but we will begin the clip where he dissects each individual police shooting of an unarmed black man in 2019, which is at the 9:28 mark.
This isn’t to say that we can’t do better with our policing. We know that police officers do use force more frequently with blacks than with other races. The question is, was the force justified? In the case of George Floyd, it clearly was not. It’s important to review each case individually. This is why 4 officers are being charged in Floyd’s death–the one with his knee on Floyd’s neck is facing a 2nd Degree Murder charge.
We know that there are disparities in police interactions that are based on race. But police forces across the country are doing everything that they can to combat this. They don’t want to be seen as targeting one race over others–their job is to serve and protect all people. We must acknowledge that there are going to be bad cops, dirty cops, and racist cops, and they should be removed from their jobs. This is what is happening in police departments all across the country as much as police unions will allow.
Another important thing to note is that the media does not acknowledge that these incidents are actually decreasing in frequency, but it appears that attacks on police officers are going up.
Black lives matter.
Cop lives matter, too.
We cannot have a discussion about problems and solutions if we’re not getting the entire picture instead of the narrative that the left is pushing.
Heather MacDonald had an excellent piece in the Wall Street Journal about the “Myth of Systemic Police Racism” but you need a subscription to read it. It handles the complexity of the situation very well.
Here is Heather summing up the article stating that the rate of fatal police shootings is because of risk, not because of race. We cannot discuss the behavior of cops without discussing the behavior of criminals.
It’s a long video, but also worth every minute of your time.
We don’t want to see police officers ever abuse their power, but we also don’t want law enforcement officers needlessly vilified, either.