Thomas Sowell Talks About Black Lives Matter And How They Are WRONG (VIDEO)
It’s a pity the Left doesn’t recognize Sowell for the scholar that he is — he’s a giant among men, one of the sharpest minds of a generation. But because he’s a black CONSERVATIVE, they refuse to even speak his name.
His body of work has included a lot of the very social issues bubbling to the surface today, including the role of race in culture, hiring and the like.
He has some thoughts about the BLM movement that most Lefties won’t like at all.
“Hopelessness is one of the big products of the race industry.”
Sowell describes himself as pessimistic, but even he ‘never expected things to degenerate to the place they are now, where grown human beings are talking about getting rid of the police…’ at a time when violence is skyrocketing compared to previous years.
He considers BLM to be a generally self-serving group.
Even the most conservative people he knows opposes the George Floyd incident that sparked such outrage in the BLM.
All the incentives, politically, are for black leaders to blame all problems in the black community on the larger society and that enables them to take on the role of being the defender of the black community against enemies, which in turn creates the situation in which many blacks don’t feel anything they do is going the help themselves unless it’s done politically as a group.
He takes Trevor Noah’s grand narrative apart with the simplest and most incisive of criticisms. After a clip of Noah blustering as to why the black community has all the cards stacked unfairly against them, including being turned down for mortgages, Sowell says:
If you look at the average credit score of people of different ethnic backgrounds, you’ll discover that the order in which they rank by credit score is also the order in which they rank by acceptance for the highest-quality mortgages. That is, whites, for example, are turned down far more than Asian Americans.
What is Sowell’s solution to people in situations?
Skills, not welfare programs are what really matters.