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HEY GEORGIA: Looks Like You ‘Missed’ Something In Those Election Audits … Care To Explain?

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If that election (and the recount) were so extremely reliable and true, can you explain the reason for this same information triggering a criminal investigation?

Because of some excellent journalism by Marot Cleveland over at the Federalist, we know some alarming election details that neither the mainstream press nor Georgia’s allegedly Republican leadership had given us until now. She raises some interesting issues… to which we add a follow-up question.

The election results in most of the country were never really in dispute. California and New York went blue. Texas and Florida went red. That was pretty much what we expected.

It was always the battleground states — especially the urban centers in those battleground states — where questions about irregularities, interference, rigging the rules, and other kinds of election malfeasance (including illegitimate ballots being treated as real) loomed large.

Those ‘just happened’ to be exactly the states that flipped blue, one by one, long after the official results of all the others had been done and dusted.

People on the ground were obviously slow-walking their results in an effort to run out the clock for any remedies that might be played. For good or ill, that strategy — together with Biden’s camp claiming victory and daring anyone to outrage the masses by ‘stripping’ them of that win — worked.

For good or ill, we are stuck with the wrecking ball that is the Biden-Harris administration. But we can still examine the results. And Margot Cleveland has done exactly that.

What she has found has triggered a criminal investigation. That alone should make people sit up and take notice. What has she found?

She begins with an explanation of the broad strokes at play:

New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

While this evidence does not change the fact that Joe Biden is our president, all Americans who genuinely care about free and fair elections and the disenfranchisement of voters should demand both transparency and solutions to prevent a repeat in future elections. This evidence also vindicates former President Trump and his legal team for the related public (and private) comments and legal arguments made in challenging the Georgia election results.

Under the cover of COVID-19, Georgia, like many other states, flooded residents with absentee ballot applications. Also like sister states, Georgia ignored various legislative mandates designed to prevent fraud and to ensure the integrity of the vote. These facts, coupled with the closeness of the presidential contest in Georgia and other states, led to a flurry of accusations and litigation charging vote fraud, illegal voting, and violations of the Elector’s Clause of the constitution.

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally. —Federalist

She worked alongside a data analyst to crunch the numbers and cross-reference voter lists with the data we have for no longer lives in the state. They made allowances for legitimate changes in those numbers: like out-of-state students, and people whose effective moving date falls within those 30 days and could lawfully have submitted a qualifying ballot.

That process still gave a large number of votes that should not qualify as legitimate voters who somehow found their names included among those who had cast ballots in 2020.

The pool of people who had left Georgia more than 30 days before the election comes in at about 35,000 people. More than 10,300 names have been found to have updated their voter registration as not living in Georgia for the 2020 election AND to have cast a ballot at their old address in Georgia. That number is by no means static because it gets revised upward as more people update their voter registrations. Mark Davis, a specialist in this kind of data who has been crunching these numbers for her, believes that number alone will soon exceed Biden’s margin of victory.

“Under Georgia law, a judge can order an election be redone if he or she sees there were enough illegal, irregular, or improperly rejected votes to cast the results of the election in doubt, or if they see evidence of ‘systemic irregularities,’” Davis said.

“These issues were absolutely systemic,” Davis stressed, noting “they occurred in every county in the state, in every state house, state senate, and in every congressional district in the state.” —Federalist

When Georgia was confronted with these numbers, an investigation was opened.

Is this a big deal? Yes, for a few reasons.

For one thing, when Trump appealed to the courts to have one or objection to how these elections were mishandled by the courts, it kept coming back to a claim of ‘standing’. If this one thing wasn’t big enough to alter the overall result, it wasn’t worth the court’s time.

But suppose systemic malfeasance could be shown in one district, could this not have been raised as justification for signature audits in other battleground states, to determine whether disqualified voters had potentially changed the outcome elsewhere? Could this have impacted decisions being made in the ratification process? Those are questions whose answers are now relegated to being nothing more than the subject of academic debate in ‘alternate history’ scenarios.

When given this information in May, the DA had apparently quietly opened an investigation into these irregularities. But when she questioned Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, just last week, he seemed to know nothing about it.

Her piece goes into a lot of detail and is worth reading in its entirety, but there was one interesting tidbit that stood out as I read it.

It was made clear that the Presidential election result was final and irrevocable, but there’s another significant implication in these words:

Evans, who holds the distinction of being the only lawyer in Georgia history to successfully overturn two elections in the same race, concurred. Under Georgia law, Evans explained, “an election should be overturned either if (1) more votes than decided the election were illegal, wrongfully rejected or irregular, or (2) when there were systemic irregularities that cast in doubt the results of the election.”

“In the case of the 2020 general election,” Evans told me, Davis’s analysis indicates both factors could have been in play.

With the White House implications at stake here, have we overlooked another implication of this story? The President of the United States was NOT the only decision voters were being asked about in this election.

We all remember that Georgia’s unlikely senate results of two Democrat wins were the results of a runoff race due to no clear winners in the General Election.

Do either of Georgia’s Senate races need to be reviewed for their validity on exactly the same basis of ‘systemic’ issues uncovered in this investigation?

Here’s a big cheer of ‘well done’ to Margot Cleveland. She’s a bright light in sea of journalistic darkness… you know, that place WaPo tells us Democracy goes to die.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck