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ICYMI: Tucker Carlson’s Take On Chris Cuomo’s Suspension From CNN Is A MUST WATCH

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While Carlson did take some shots at the beleaguered Cuomo family, he did make a rather salient point…

Tucker Carlson’s monologue on Tuesday was about the “indefinite suspension” of CNN anchor Chris “Fredo” Cuomo from the network after it was revealed that he played a larger role in handling his brother’s sexual harassment claims than was first believed.

BREAKING: Chris Cuomo Suspended Indefinitely From CNN As His Role In Brother’s Scandals Is Scrutinized
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CARLSON: Big changes in the tiny hothouse — and it is tiny — of Cable News this evening… CNN’s top-rated anchor, Chris Cuomo, has been pulled off the air, likely for good. You will probably never see him on camera again. For us, here at Fox, it feels like the end of something, like most Americans we never actually watched the Chris Cuomo show, assuming that was its name. But over the years we saw his clips and they transfixed us. Very often as a public service but also, because honestly, we could not help ourselves, we brought them to you.

How, we wondered, did a man who could barely speak English wind up with a paying job on television? Was it some kind of weird affirmative action program for the illiterate? We never figured it out. But it was remarkable to see it, sentence after badly mangled sentence, a bouillabaisse of incomprehensible grammar, you couldn’t understand any of it. It was a kind of performance art, a communicator wholly unable to communicate.

Carlson then went on to mock Fredo’s obsession with weightlifting and then posting the videos because he felt that his fans also needed to see it.

The Fox News host then highlighted how Cuomo had lied about being in quarantine and made his return from his basement into a big deal… but it was all a lie.

He then highlighted how “Bro” Cuomo was lecturing his audience about “wearing a mask” despite being spotted repeatedly without a mask in public himself.

Later, however, Carlson noted that helping his brother might be the best thing that Chris Cuomo has ever done, and he’s not surprised that the muckety-mucks at CNN don’t understand that.

Carlson said that once an article in The Atlantic called for CNN to oust Cuomo, “for the first time ever — and very unexpectedly — we started to feel sorry for Chris Cuomo.”

CARLSON: Helping his brother is not the worst thing Chris Cuomo ever did, in fact, it may have been the best thing he ever did. Not because Andrew Cuomo was a good person, he certainly wasn’t a good person, Andrew Cuomo was loathsome. But Andrew Cuomo was Chris Cuomo’s brother and that is what you do with brothers, even the loathsome ones — you help them when they need it, period. It is called loyalty. At CNN as well as the rest of the media this is an alien concept. Is there a single person at CNN or any other left-wing network that would risk his job to help his own brother? No. Above all, these people are careerists, ruthless careerists, they will betray anyone to get ahead.

Carlson then took a shot at CNN’s “media watchdog” and resident potato, Brian Stelter.

CARLSON: So when we tell you the media is corrupt, we don’t just mean they are corrupt politically, it is much deeper than that. They don’t acknowledge the most important rules in life, your first obligation is to your family. Your first obligation is not to the state, it is not to your political party, it is not to Jeff Zucker or some creepy billionairess at the Atlantic magazine, it is not even to your career. Your most basic obligation is to the people you are related to — when they need your help, no matter who they are, even if you are the governor of a state, even if they are horrible people, you help them anyway because it is your family. Chris Cuomo may be an idiot — and he is — but he understands that. What a thing to be fired for.


The way that Carlson slammed the Corporate Media and gave Cuomo some *ahem* left-handed compliments was absolute art.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker