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If You’re On A Plane Don’t Sneeze And Joke, ‘I Have Ebola’ Or This’ll Happen

Well, that was a dumb idea, eh? Enjoy.

A Hazmat team rushed on to a plane from Philadelphia in the Dominican Republic after a man sneezed and yelled: ‘I have Ebola!’

The American passenger, who does not have Ebola, was detained by four officers and taken to the airport’s medical center in Punta Cana as he declared: ‘I ain’t from Africa’.

The remaining 255 people were forced to stay on board for two hours until he was cleared, despite airline staff insisting they believed it was a poor-taste joke.

The incident on Wednesday came as the White House agreed to step up medical screening at hospitals across the nation after the first man diagnosed of Ebola in the US died.

Clad in blue protective overalls, four officers boarded the plane as passengers sat near the man covered their faces.

The man had reportedly been sneezing and coughing through the four-hour US Airways flight – an early sign of the often fatal disease.

A video taken by one of the passengers in the middle of the Boeing 777 shows passengers standing up ready to leave before a flight attendant on a speakerphone tells everyone to sit down.

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