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COPS KILL WHITE MAN WITH DOWNS: And Yet No Movie Star Gives A Crap And Nothing From Obama…

This is brutal. I wonder how many neighborhoods will burn down as a result of this? Do you think there will be riots over this miscarriage of justice? How many athletes will wear shirts about this? How many celebrities will tweet “Disabled Lives Matter!”? What are the odds that the Obama Justice Department issues a Special Investigation here?

Not all cops use discretion or have discernment. If it were me or the cops that I know, THEY WOULD HAVE PAID FOR THE FREAKING TICKET THEMSELVES!!!

I don’t know what the punishment for these men should be but I do know that they didn’t “Serve and Protect” that day and they should never wear the Blue and the Badge again.

In 2011, Ethan Saylor died after police deputies tried to forcibly remove him from a Maryland movie theater. Saylor, 26, had Down syndrome and went to the theater with his heath aid to see Zero Dark Thirty.

The incident occurred when the movie concluded and Saylor said he wanted to see it again. The theater employees approached him and asked him to leave since he hadn’t purchased a second movie ticket. However, Ethan didn’t want to leave so three police deputies came in to resolve the situation.

Upon arrival, the deputies handcuffed Ethan but because of his size said they had to use three sets of handcuffs and put him on his stomach. The aide pleaded with them to stop because Ethan didn’t like being touched. She also told them that his mother, Patti Saylor, was on her way to pay for the second movie ticket.

But tragically, they ignored all of this information andEthan died from positional asphyxia. His death was ruled a homicide and his autopsy showed that he had a crushed larynx, and his lungs were filled with blood.

Now a grand jury has decided that the deputy who killed Ethan will not be indicted.

Read more: Life Site News

John Kirkwood

John Kirkwood is a son of Issachar. He is a Zionist, gun-toting, cigar-smoking, incandescent light bulb-using, 3.2 gallon flushing, fur-wearing, Chinese (MSG) eating, bow-hunting, SUV driving, unhyphenated American man who loves his wife, isn't ashamed of his country and does not apologize for his Christianity. He Pastors Grace Gospel Fellowship Bensenville, where "we the people" seek to honor "In God we Trust." He hosts the Christian wake up call IN THE ARENA every Sunday at noon on AM 1160 and he co-hosts UnCommon Sense, the Christian Worldview with a double shot of espresso on He is the proud homeschooling dad of Konnor, Karter and Payton and the "blessed from heaven above" husband of the Righteous and Rowdy Wendymae.