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BAD PARENTING: Where So Many Problems Begin

I have always maintained that, more often than not, the problems of today begin at the home. Good parenting is crucial in the creation of good citizens.

With the break down of the traditional family, and the current attacks on God, the moral fabric of society is becoming worse and worse. And it all begins at the home.

Take a look at this video where I present and comment on some really bad parenting and the most likely outcomes of said behavior. Sadly, some of these kids are simply doomed by birth right.

WARNING: Strong offensive language and troubling images.

Angel Rodriguez

Angel is a blogger with appearances on The National Geographic Channel, MTV, HLN, FOX 5, HOT 97 FM, NY1, Bronxnet and many popular online sites. He is a U.S Air Force Veteran, Political Columnist, Musician, MMA Fighter, Foodie, and the Host of The Hidden Report Talk Show. Follow Angel on twitter and most social media via @AngelRdotMe