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News Clash


If you’re a ‘bad hombre’… look out! The clock is ticking!

The law gets enforced, and naturally… the bright sparks on the left do the only thing they seem to know how. They protest. (Didn’t really think this through, did they?)

Eight years of Obama in charge has REALLY emboldened both the illegal immigrants and protesters with a contempt for the law. Ironically, this will bite them in the ass.

Surprise! We have another anti-Trump protest. This one is protesting ICE. Funny how ICE is the one government department Leftists actually want to see abolished. We at ClashDaily could suggest several departments worth abolishing or at least slashing to ribbons… but not ICE.

Here is some footage of the ‘protest’.

They might want to reconsider that course of action. Considering people smashing and rioting in DC were arrested and indicted… blocking a highway is ALSO unlawful behavior. The NEW administration is not looking the other way.

Supposing you get charged with a crime, immigration status WILL come into play. See how this works against you? Or is that math too hard for you?

What’s all the fuss about?

ICE is doing their job.

Immigration officials confirmed that agents this week raided homes and workplaces in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, the Los Angeles area, North Carolina and South Carolina, netting hundreds of people. But Gillian Christensen, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said they were part of “routine” immigration enforcement actions. ICE dislikes the term “raids,” and prefers to say authorities are conducting “targeted enforcement actions,” she said.

Christensen said the raids, which began Monday and ended Friday at noon, found undocumented immigrants from a dozen Latin American countries. “We’re talking about people who are threats to public safety or a threat to the integrity of the immigration system,” she said, noting that the majority of those detained were serious criminals, including some who were convicted of murder and domestic violence.

Immigration activists said the crackdown went beyond the six states DHS identified, and said they had also documented ICE raids of unusual intensity during the past two days in Florida, Kansas, Texas and Northern Virginia. —Washington Post

When the law is enforced, those who are violating it are suddenly ‘afraid’.

Isn’t that basically the point of HAVING enforceable laws? That breaking them has a sufficiently motivating negative consequence? So… we’re supposed to feel ‘sad’ when we read this next quote, are we?

“The fear coursing through immigrant homes and the native-born Americans who love immigrants as friends and family is palpable,” Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, said in a statement. “Reports of raids in immigrant communities are a grave concern.”

The enforcement actions took place in Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and surrounding areas, said David Marin, director of enforcement and removal for the Los Angeles field office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Only five of 161 people arrested in Southern California would not have been enforcement priorities under the Obama administration, he said.

The agency did not release a total number of detainees. The Atlanta office, which covers three states, arrested 200 people, Bryan Cox, a spokesman for the office, said. The 161 arrests in the Los Angeles area were made in a region that included seven highly populated counties, Marin said.

Marin called the five-day operation an “enforcement surge.”

In a conference call with reporters, he said that such actions were routine, pointing to one last summer in Los Angeles under former President Barack Obama. — Reuters

Nope. Not sad at all.


Share if that’s how law enforcement is SUPPOSED to work.