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Conservative Parents Will Hate The ‘Latest Fad’ In Liberals’ Immoral ‘Sex Ed’ For Your Teen

Remember back in when the Left told religious people to stop cramming their morality down everyone’s throats? Turns out it was because THEY wanted to be the ones doing it.

Well… not ‘morality’ exactly…

Sex isn’t what it used to be. While there has always been some casual and irresponsible sex, something has changed.

And Huffpo is suggesting mom and dad get involved in their teen’s sex ed. REALLY involved.

Not so long ago, — even for those who didn’t see it through the lens of marriage and child-rearing — it was ideally connected to deep relationships, and love.

But Hollywood and academia have been redefining sex down (on one hand) to a merely physical act, like eating…

And they defining it UP (on the other hand) to THE defining aspect of human existence. Where THE MOST important and defining thing you could possibly know about a person is the sort of person they prefer to share an orgasm with. Entire movements sprang up over this issue. It was a point of ‘pride’.

Sex has become politicized. They wear dumb pink hats in marches, now. They even tried to justify life under Socialism (say, Stalin — where 5 million Ukranians starved to death in a State-PLANNED starvation event) as having had better sex.

Hat tip to Lifenews for bringing this story to our attention. It’s been around awhile, but the ideas are still worth discussing.

Would you rather teach your kids that sex is dangerous and forbidden or that it is permissible and… well, awesome? Are you a “responsible-sex-is-good” parent, or more in the “scare-them-silly” camp? It seems logical to me that the same way I try to teach my kids to exercise, sleep well and be good people, I would teach them to have healthy sex and sleep with other good people. —Huffpo

It sets up (ironically) a rigidly binary view of how to teach young adults about sex. You can either teach them it’s bad, and ‘scare’ them into good behavior. Or you can be progressive, and encourage a healthy exploration of sexuality in a safe environment. Like at home.

The author cherry-picks examples, contrasting American and Dutch attitudes toward sex, painting as negative picture as she can of views she disagrees with about sex. She also doesn’t account for urban demographics where fatherlessness and promiscuity skew any of the data she might be using to make her point. Simply put, America does not have ‘one’ unified way of teaching children about sex, so her claims hold no water.

But what about encouraging people to have more sex. Surely, with our schools being more and more saturated with exactly the kind of teaching about sex she might encourage, life is getting better, and we are moving forward to have more satisfying (and healthier) sexual lives, right?

Not so much. Here’s just one story:

World Health Org Says, ‘Oral Sex Is Spreading An Untreatable Super STD’ – So Gross!

That doesn’t even touch on the spike in middle-aged loneliness, fatherless children (and attendant spike in rates of poverty, and high-risk behaviors) and other social ills.

Even ‘harmless’ porn is now being rejected by … you guessed it … ATHIESTS because of the demonstrated corrosive effects on the person viewing it. Unlikely Support Group: Atheist Calls For Sexual Purity on Web Forum

As for the logic of the article in the first place, we’ve already touched on the ‘false dichotomy’ angle.

Lifesite hit two other points in reply:

— The truth is, comprehensive sex-ed isn’t working. It fosters an environment of promoting adolescent sexual activity by implying that teen relationships should include sex. Further, it falsely assumes that teens don’t have the ability to avoid sexual experimentation. Teens are actually empowered by embracing sexual purity. For example, a group called Healthy Visions has been welcomed into high schools to tackle tough issues like promiscuity. They present teens with the consequences of sexual activity and empower them to make better life choices. Through their no-nonsense, straight-forward approach, teens are shown they can “change their story.” The impact it’s had on students’ lives is nothing short of astounding. To meet some of their successes firsthand, watch our Emmy Award-winning episode of Facing Life Head-On called “Teens Making Healthy Choices.”

Downplaying the risks of teen sex, while calling abstinence the “scare-them-silly” camp.
We live in a highly sex-saturated culture that mocks abstinence. Unfortunately, this has made it easy for teens to embrace casual sex. Yet, there are consequences for those actions. No matter how “healthy” and “responsible” sex is, young people are putting themselves at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies and all but certain emotional repercussions. This isn’t about instilling a false sense of fear; there are real dangers that exist and cannot be ignored. Abstinence offers the only truly healthy alternative.

Far be it from from saying parents should remain silent about sex with their kids, they end with the encouragement to parents:

It also turns out that parents have more influence on what their kids think and do about sex than teachers do. Parental attitudes, it turns out, are far more influential and meaningful.’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don’t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

Share if hating sex and being a pirate hooker are NOT the only options out there.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker