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PEACE PREZ: Sudan To Normalize Relations With Israel As Trump Admin Brokers Peace Deals With Arab Nations

Does this mean that President Trump will get another Nobel Peace Prize nomination?

The Trump administration keeps racking up the wins when it comes to brokering peace deals between Arab countries and Israel.

It seems that Speaker Pelosi is more intransigent on negotiating a COVID relief bill with the Trump administration than Arab nations are with laying aside hundreds of years of animosity to Israelis.

Who knew?

The Trump administration had been working on a Middle East peace deal for some time, and but weren’t getting far with the Palestinians even after the “Deal of the Century” was revealed.

‘DEAL Of The CENTURY’: New Middle East Peace Initiative Unveiled… With A Map!

So, the administration side-stepped them and negotiated with other Arab nations with tremendous success.

Sudan can now be added to that growing list.

President Trump announced the deal on Twitter.

President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan will start to normalize ties with Israel, making it the third Arab state to do so as part of U.S.-brokered deals in the run-up to Election Day.

The deal, which would deepen Sudan´s engagement with the West, follows Trump’s conditional agreement this week to remove the North African nation from the list of state sponsors of terrorism if it pays compensation to American victims of terror attacks.

It also delivers a foreign policy achievement for Trump just days before the U.S. election and boosts his embattled ally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Recently, the United States brokered diplomatic pacts between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Jordan recognized Israel in the 1990s.

Trump invited reporters into the Oval Office while he was on the phone with the leaders of Israel and Sudan. Trump said Sudan had demonstrated a commitment to battling terrorism. ‘This is one of the great days in the history of Sudan,’ Trump said, adding that Israel and Sudan have been in a state of war for decades.

‘It is a new world,’ Netanyahu said over the phone. ‘We are cooperating with everyone. Building a better future for all of us.’
Source: Daily Mail

This comes just days after President Trump announced that the government of Sudan was going to pay over $330 million to terror victims and families.

Arab nations moving to normalize relations with Israel while the Trump administration works as a peace broker is a massive achievement that will be part of Trump’s legacy and recorded in history books.

The question is, will he get the international recognition that he deserves?

President Trump has certainly earned a Nobel Peace Prize for this work. He’s already racking up nominations. The question is, will the Nobel Committee — who gave Barack Obama a Peace Prize early in his presidency for his “intentions” — be willing to award Trump the prize?

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker