Obama’s Silence on Benghazi Indicts Him
One of my well-placed sources (retired Lt. Col.) says it is curious Ambassador Stevens had just concluded a meeting with the Turkish Consul General on Sept. 11, shortly before he was killed. Several days before, a Libyan ship docked at a Turkish port near Syria, allegedly carrying weapons from Libya to Syrian rebels.(Another report today from Canada Free Press tell us it is likely Russians ordered Iranians to attack our consulate in Benghazi in order to stop the arming of Syrian rebels.)
Several people have wondered why Stevens was in Benghazi, especially on 9/11, when that location had been attacked numerous times, his requests for enhanced security going unheeded by the Administration, and he was fearful of violence and injury.
Speculation, buttressed by certain developments, indicates Stevens was being used by Obama to coordinate weapons shipments to the Syrian rebels via the Turks with the use of Libyan shipping.
Others have reported the perennial problem with such a scheme: weapons, including shoulder launched missiles, fall into the wrong hands, in this case, Al Qaeda.
Was Stevens ambushed by Al Qaeda in Benghazi in an operation designed to acquire weapons? Did the Syrian regime order a hit on our consulate to disrupt arms shipments to Syrian rebels? Was Stevens taken out by our own government to cover other nefarious operations Stevens might have been about ready to reveal? Or was it all just a matter of Al Qaeda related groups taking the opportunity to attack and kill Americans on 9/11?
Still, there is no rational explanation from the WH as to why they tried to cover the nature of the attack, why they refused to send aid to desperate Americans outgunned and outnumbered in a terrible fire fight lasting seven hours.
Even more unfathomable: why this President and/or his Secretaries ordered the CIA and the Seals to stand down in the face of murderous attacks. Fortunately, those brave fighters disobeyed orders. Otherwise, there’d be 30 more Americans dead in Benghazi.
According to Ulsterman‘s military source, an F-18 could have been overhead in 20 minutes and blown the bad guys away, surgically, with little if any collateral damage.
The fact is, for whatever reasons, enemies of the United States perpetrated an act of war on our sovereign soil in Benghazi. They killed four Americans. This President knew within an hour of the initial assault that this was a jihadist terror attack.
And he did nothing to help our people. In fact, he ordered them not to fight back, which would have meant a complete massacre.
Another private source (retired Brigadier) reports: General Ham (Africa Command) told Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, during a visit to Libya, that he (General Ham) had never been asked to provide military support for the Americans under attack in Benghazi.
Instead of behaving like a real President and ordering assistance like a real commander-in-chief, this President watched the killings on live feed, then lied to the American people, and flew off to Vegas for a party and a campaign event.