2012 Election
Will Obama Voter Fraud Machine Destroy America/Her Constitution?
There are many scandals engulfing the Obama administration. They range from IRS targeting of Tea Party and other conservative organizations,…
Benghazi and the IRS Scandal: So, How’s the View From Under the Bus?
In a sane world the Lyin’ King would never have been elected, even once. But we don’t live in a…
“I Am A Christie Republican”
“I Am A Christie Republican” Others are Reagan Republicans, Palin Republicans and Romney Republicans, but as for me and my…
Autopsy of an Autopsy: Do Politicians Learn from Their Mistakes?
by Charles Gruenwald Clash Daily Guest Contributor Perhaps the term “autopsy report” is the reason why the Republican National Committee’s…
Conservative Talk Show Hosts Are Killing Conservatism
Before all of you go off and call me a RINO, let me once again state that I am a…
The Status of the Tea Party- Stateside and Worldwide (!) – Part 2
I thought I should mention a few more things about the Tea Party, apart from the fact that it is…
The Founding of Our Idiocracy
Rush Limbaugh made an astounding statement during his program on the day following the State of the Union sermon. Mr.…
Karl Rove Texas Ranger
I’m thinking Mr. Bush’s turd blossom (1) — Karl Rove — takes himself just a little too seriously. For many…
Insanity in the Windy City: A Sordid Love Story
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre Truer words have rarely been spoken than those voiced…
Conservatives Win White House with Electoral College Congressional District Vote
By Kevin Fobbs Clash Daily Guest Contributor There is a movement in motion in several key presidential electoral battle ground…
An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh
A sincere tribute is essential; it is inarguable that Mr. Limbaugh’s fathering of Conservative talk radio is the best thing…
Niemoller Reminds Us: The Price of Apathy
First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for…
Fiscal Cliff or Not — Headed Toward Economic Disaster
Americans inexplicably re-elected The Dear Leader despite colossal failure on the economy during the last four years. And guess what?…
Demoblicans, Republocrats … a Rat is a Rat No Matter the Name.
by Mike Rowley Clash Daily Guest Contributor The election is past, America has chosen its path, and the rats have…
Barack Obama’s Hundred Year Fabian March
What right does Obama have to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” – as he promised to do in…
So What Now? Third Party? President Hillary? National Heart Change?
By Rick David Clash Daily Guest Contributor The night of Obama’s re-election had to be one of the most shocking…
Johnny B. (Not So) Good
This Christian Constitutional Conservative is positioned with millions that will not stand down against the defeat by “The New Marxist…
The Presidency as Therapy for Barack Obama
No doubt about it, of humankind’s numberless qualities, gloating would rank among the most unattractive. The act of gloating discloses a…
Now We Know What is Required to be Elected Today …
In order to be elected to high office in the USA, one must apparently be seen by ordinary folks as…
Conservatives: Jonathan Took Up His Sword
The people, at least a majority of them, have been won over by Big Government solutions and methods. They have…
GOP HIV: The Republican Party … Has “AIDS”?
A Serious Op-Ed by Nick Taxia, Duh Progressive Anyone who knows anything about the human immune system knows something…
Obamamerica: Media, etc. Don’t Seem to be Bothered — But I Am!
I keep asking myself: Why do I care? Soon I’ll be 74 years old. Who knows how long I have…
GOP: Take Out the Plank!
There will be lots of analysis of why Romney didn’t win. He wasn’t conservative enough! He wasn’t moderate enough. On…
DGOA Speaks: Officially Out of Reasons to Be Thankful?
(The following is satire) Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, (KANSAS CITY, MO) —“We’ll give thanks this year that. .. that ……
Washington, Adams and Lincoln tell Neal Boortz to Shut the Front Door
Morons, idiots … I’ve told you this before, I’ve been telling you this for years … get rid of this…
‘‘If We Had Only Posted More Pictures of Obama With a Hitler Mustache!’’
The following is satire. Tuesday, November 13th, 2012, (CLEVELAND, OH) —A week after the fact and 50-year-old Dale Jankovic still…
A Manchurian Goes Riyadh: Smoke, Mirrors, Mirage
The re-election of Barack Obama surprised many of us, showing us entirely incorrect in predicting his defeat. Perhaps we placed…
The Democratic Donkey Ride Down to the Bottom
If the fiscal cliff is a ditch, the national debt is the Grand Canyon. We are riding the Democratic Party…