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Personal Security: Are Preppers Freaking Out Too Much?

04-300x225Of course modern ballistics sent the race between the spear and the shield into a maddening pace and mobility has become the key parameter.  Still one should remain exceedingly realistic when preparing for rough days.

Another interesting dichotomy in this TEOTWAWKI versus TWAKI issue is the huge drop in equipment reliability.  Several times people pointed to a single piece of equipment (it truly does not matter what kind of equipment) claiming that this was their life insurance.  Forgetting that this was as likely to fail as any other piece of equipment and much more so under the strain of exceptional circumstances, they actually had a very fallible life insurance.   Redundancy, looks like a waste of time and money in normal times, yet when a crisis occurs redundancy often saves the day.  The rule of thumb to remember is:” To have TWO is to have ONE, to have ONE is to have NONE.”

Try applying it to any plan you make; do not put all of your family into one car or you will be in trouble sooner than you wish.  Having a spare car means having a real alternate car, just like having spare tires means a minimum of two real size spare wheels, not a tiny doughnut hidden under all your stuff.  If you have a small family and therefore very few options for the alternate car then plan ahead with a friend or neighbor so that you can put all passengers into one car and have the other.  If you are an empty nester instead of having a “his and hers” cars from different car makers, it would make a lot of sense to have the same model in different colors (although same color also has numerous advantages for security) so that you now have plenty of spares tires and other spares. Try putting a Ford Expedition wheel on an Escalade… Instead of feeding the ongoing argument of Wrangler versus FJ Cruiser; just look at what your close friends have a make the same choice, now you have compatible alternate cars for when the world as we know it comes knocking at your door.

The world as we know it may end because of a meteorite or because the sun sneezes or because aliens blow us out of the universe; there is nothing we can do about it and therefore let’s not waste time on this.  But we know that the world can become swiftly a very dangerous place and while we should relax and enjoy peace we should also quietly and thoughtfully prepare for inevitable difficult days.  Take a clue from the sailors; they are always happy and relaxed enjoying every cruising day, can never be bothered with the end of the world as we know it, yet they are dead serious in preparing for extreme crisis the world as they know it has in store for them.

estebe1Patrick Estebe offers an unconventional approach to security issues. He has created a Multidimensional Security System based on insight and creativity, which allows him to organize individuals and teams capable of handling a wide range of acute situations. These situations include crucial VIP security, critical defense of airports, seaports and megayachts.

As a Captain in the French Marines then Inspector in the Intelligence Service (in charge of counter-terrorism units), Patrick Estebe had the opportunity to experience the power and limitations of a linear approach to security.

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