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ISLAMIC THUGS: Palestinians Are Just a Mob of Them

Allow me to be beyond blunt: Palestinians are just a mob of Islamic thugs.

That’s right–a mob of Islamic thugs that teach their children (according to Koranic doctrine) that the only good Jew is a dead Jew.

In fact–Palestinians take great pride in training their children how to kill Jews utilizing various terrorist methodologies. From torture to suicide bombings–Palestinian children know how to “exterminate” the “pigs.”

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor addressed this issue last January during a meeting of the General Assembly: “As we speak, a generation of Palestinian children is being taught that murder is moral, racism is righteous and terror is tolerable. The Palestinian Authority’s media quotes Hitler, describes Jews as less than human, and displays maps that erase Israel’s existence.”

Truth be told–the Palestinians are part of a wider Islamic machination to expunge all Jews (and Christians) from the Middle East. Whether it’s Hamas, Boko Haram, ISIS, Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah–these Koran-carrying, terrorist organizations are following Mohammed’s command that the “people of the book” must be driven far from Arabia.

And the Palestinians have clearly demonstrated that they’re willing to sacrifice anything (including their own children) to obey the prophet’s insidious decree.

Amnesty International recently reported that “Palestinian armed groups have repeatedly shown total disregard for the most fundamental human rights, notably the right to life, by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians and by using Palestinian children in armed attacks.”

The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers documented that there were at least 9 Palestinian children used in weaponized attacks against Israelis between 2000 and 2004.

And according to the Israel Defense Force–29 suicide attacks were carried out by Palestinian minors during a three year period from 2000 to 2003.

(Not to mention the egregious use of Palestinian children as human shields over the past 20 plus days of the current conflict.)

I could go on–but you get the point.

Despite endless declarations by left-wing politicos (and their mindless minions) that Palestinians are “freedom fighters” and “victims”–well informed Americans know better.

From their unbridled Jew-hatred to using their children as human bombs in order to appease a dead prophet/ psychopath–Palestinians are just a mob of Islamic thugs.



Pete Parker

Pete Parker is a Navy veteran and former strength athlete who writes about the current issues of the day from a conservative perspective. Pete was also the host of “TUFFTalk” radio which dealt with national security-- and the threat Islam poses to Western Civilization. He is very passionate about preserving our great nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.