HEY, PETA: Nationals First Baseman Adam LaRoche Bags Monster Rocky Mountain Elk
Get ready for the death threats and the Facebook protesters to go bat-crap crazy on Adam.
They’re going to need a bigger truck.
Free-agent first baseman Adam LaRoche spends most of his offseason looking like Brody from Homeland and hunting game, and by all appearances, he recently bagged one of the biggest cloven hoof animals in North America.
LaRoche tweeted a picture Wednesday of himself and his downed quarry: a gigantic, 12-point Rocky Mountain elk.
That is a large animal. The rack alone probably can’t fit through your average door frame.
The official Instagram account for Buck Commander, which LaRoche co-founded, uploaded the same picture. The post claims the first baseman bagged the elk in the woods of Wyoming.
Read more: Bleach Report
Thank you Lord for the Rocky Mountain Elk! #BuckCommander pic.twitter.com/GFJdiJhvuk
— Adam LaRoche (@e3laroche) November 5, 2014