VALERIE JARRETT: Tweets Eric Holder a BS-laden, Gag Reflex Triggering, Tribute
Valerie Jarrett memorializes Eric Holder with this pathetic tweet. Is this a sign of things to come? Loretta Lynch will no doubt follow in Holder’s footsteps – and take it to the next level of race baiting.
Since Loretta Lynch was confirmed by the Senate as the next attorney general of the United States the liberal love for her predecessor Eric Holder has been pouring in.
Valerie Jarrett, one of President Obama’s senior advisers, trumped even Holder’s own nervy overstatements in a farewell tweet to the controversial attorney general.
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Thank you, AG Holder. Because of you, the arc of the moral universe has been bent a little closer to justice.
— Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) April 24, 2015