PRO-MUSLIM OBAMA: Issues This Threat to Israel Over Palestinian State
President Obama obviously doesn’t have Israel in his best interests.
The new Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be sworn in today at 7 p.m. local time.
On Wednesday, the Israeli government presented its coalition guidelines, which states, among others things:
The government will advance the diplomatic process and strive to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians and all our neighbors while maintaining Israel’s security, historical and national interests.
The guidelines also state, “The Jewish people have the undisputable right to a sovereign state in the Land of Israel, its national and historic homeland.”
In an interview with London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat, the president said, “the Palestinians deserve an end to the occupation and the daily indignities that come with it,” and, “they deserve to live in an independent, sovereign state, where they can give their children a life of dignity and opportunity.”
He then added something that could be interpreted as a threat to the new Israeli government:
With the breakdown of talks, simmering tension in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, last summer’s conflict in Gaza, and serious questions about an overall commitment to a two-state outcome, it’s no secret that we now have a very difficult path forward. As a result, the United States is taking a hard look at our approach to the conflict.
We look to the new Israeli government and the Palestinians to demonstrate—through policies and actions—a genuine commitment to a two-state solution. Only then can trust be rebuilt and a cycle of escalation avoided.
Addressing the lasting impact in Gaza of last summer’s conflict should also be central to any effort. Ultimately, the parties will need to address not just Gaza’s immediate humanitarian and reconstruction needs, but also core challenges to Gaza’s future within a two-state context, including reinvigorating Gaza’s connection with the West Bank and reestablishing strong commercial links with Israel and the global economy.
Read more: Western Journalism