DEAR PETA: SAA Just Did Something That You Freaks Won’t Like

PETA and the anti-hunters are definitely not going to like this news coming out from South Africa Airways. Check it out…
South African Airways Cargo has lifted its embargo on the transportation of hunting trophies. That is according to a company memo distributed July 20, 2015 to all terminal managers. The lifting is with immediate effect.
Manager of Compliance and Foreign Operations Lerato Mophethe writes, “Since the placement of the embargo SAA Cargo has been engaging with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) on the issue. We decided to review the embargo after the DEA gave us assurance that additional measures will be put in place to ensure compliance with all the required permits and documentation. Further note that all such trophies shall be liable for physical and documentary inspection by the relevant nature conservation authorities as they deem fit.”
The only worrisome thing about the announcement is that the memo does not include leopard when listing the trophies that will again be accepted. Mophethe says, “… the embargo that was placed on selected hunting trophies namely; elephant, rhino, lion and tiger has been lifted with immediate effect and the DEA will be implementing their additional measures.” The omission of leopard from that list could simply be an error. The Hunting Report is following up for clarification on this. In the meantime, it appears that shippers throughout Africa may once again transport all trophies regionally and internationally with SAA Cargo. We will continue to follow this story and provide more details to you. – Barbara Crown, Editor in Chief
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