COCA-COLA AD Gets Taken Down Because It Shows White People In Mexico Doing Something ‘Racist’

No one is safe from the PC police in America – not even soda ads that try to show people doing something nice. Coca-Cola was forced to pull this ad because radical leftists deemed it ‘racist’.
Yahoo reported:
In an ad distributed by Coca-Cola Mexico, pretty, young white people do their holiday good deed by bringing bottles of soda to a remote village and build a wooden Christmas tree in the town square. The “Open Your Heart” advertisement has been called anything but, as indigenous rights’ groups said the campaign promoted colonialism rather than unity.
“This type of publicity is an act of discrimination and racism,” Elvira Pablo, an indigenous lawyer, said at a press conference in Mexico City on Wednesday. “It is a comment on our type of life and an attempt to put a culture of consumerism in its place.”
After the ad was promoted on YouTube for about a week and then slammed on social media, Coca-cola pulled it on Tuesday—though other versions can be found online, one titled “The ‘White Savior’ Ad Coca-Cola Made Private.”
Watch the video below: