DEAR MEDIA: Does This EVIDENCE Make The #SanBernardino Terrorists TERRORISTS?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Obama to make a statement about this. Does this finally prove that this was an act of terror?
WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — A former CIA operative believes the married couple who opened fire and killed 14 people at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino deployed “ISIS tactics.”
Robert Baer, CNN intelligence and security analyst, believes 28-year-old Syed Farook and his 27-year-old wife Tashfeen Malik received combat training.
“The tactics that they adopted in taking down this place were exactly ISIS tactics,” Baer told CNN. “Now I’m not saying ISIS was behind this, inspired it, they haven’t claimed it or anything like that, but the tactics suggest they were taught in the Middle East or they simply were on websites and got some sort of training. These are not people that just got mad at their employer and shot the place up. I just don’t see that right now,” Baer explained to CNN.
Read more: CBS Washington
JUST IN: #SanBernardino suspects were looking at ISIS propaganda online, source tells CBS News
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 3, 2015