WATCH: Diamond & Silk Go OFF On ‘The Media’ Trying To Make Trump KKK Friendly (Hilarious)

Watch the hilarious duo and avid Trump supporters, Diamond and Silk, go off on the media for trying to make Trump out to be a supporter of the KKK. They put their lies on full blast in this epic rant.
Diamond and Silk tell everyone to disavow the Democrats for starting the KKK to intimidate and manipulate Blacks. The Democrats used race baiting tactics, the KKK and Jim Crow laws back then to keep the black family down and they are still using the same tactics now to get the black vote and keep the black family stuck in poverty. These ladies are telling it like it is.
Diamond and Silk thoughts about David Duke, The Democrats and …
Diamond and Silk tells everyone to disavow the Democrats for starting the KKK to intimidate and manipulate Blacks. The Democrats use race baiting tactics, the KKK and Jim Crow laws back then to keep the black family down and they are still using the same tactics now to get the black vote and keep the black family stuck in poverty. These ladies are telling it like it is.
Posted by Diamond And Silk on Tuesday, March 1, 2016