DOUCHE: Sharpton DOUBLES DOWN On Black Lives Matter Support … Should He Be ACCOUNTABLE For Inciting Cop Shootings?

Al Sharpton has doubled down on his support for the Black Lives Matter movement — and now we have multiple police officers dead in Baton Rouge and Dallas. Do you think that he should be held responsible for these killings?
Sharpton DOUBLES DOWN On Black Lives Matter Support ... Should He Be ACCOUNTABLE For Inciting Cop Shootings?
NEW YORK (AP) — The Rev. Al Sharpton criticized efforts to mute the Black Lives Matter movement Saturday, saying a sustained protest is the only way to force change.
“It’s mind changing time,” Sharpton told listeners during his weekly address at the National Action Network’s “House of Justice” in Harlem.
He urged others to ignore the calls from critics to scale back or stop rallies organized by the Black Lives Matter movement.
He spoke a day before the two-year anniversary of the death of Eric Garner, saying a series of unjustified killings by police officers demanded an outcry. Garner died in a police chokehold in the New York City borough of Staten Island on July 17, 2014.
“We promised the Erics of the world that we won’t stop until they change things,” Sharpton said. “It may take longer than we want but we’ve got to get there. There’s no better place to go.”
Read more: AP