Hillary Wanted THIS For Her Podium At the Debate … But She Was DENIED
Hillary’s used to getting her own way. NOT this time.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman asked the Commission on Presidential Debates to give the Democratic presidential nominee a step stool on stage Monday so she could avoid looking dramatically shorter than Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a new report.
The Clinton camp didn’t get its wish, but Hillary will have a ‘custom-made podium, which will accommodate the difference in stature,’ according to a breaking news alert The Drudge Report published Friday morning.
Clinton is 5-feet, 4-inches tall, according to famed news aggregator Matt Drudge. Trump towers 10 inches above her at 6’2″, he adds.
When she meets the Republican nominee Monday night at Hofstra University, Clinton will be stuck on stage if she is unsteady on her feet or lapses into a prolonged coughing fit.
Drudge didn’t name names, but quoted a ‘commission source’ saying: ‘There are no commercial breaks. Period.’In addition, debate moderator Lester Holt, who anchors NBC Nightly News, will not have the power to instruct cameramen to ‘cut away’ from the stage if Clinton finds herself physically compromised during the 90-minute debate, the first of three showdowns before the November 8 election.
‘And microphone audio for either of the candidates is not to be manipulated,’ Drudge reported.
Read more: Daily Mail
Just so you can see the height difference, here’s a pic of Trump, Hillary, Bill and Melania at the Trump wedding:
That last one’s a doozy. No breaks and no cut-aways?
We remember what happened with the JFK-Nixon debate when Nixon just looked sweaty and uncomfortable.
What will happen to Hillary with her dubious health, and coughing fits?