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The modern classic film The Usual Suspects contains the line “the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Without giving away too much, just in case you haven’t seen the movie, suffice it to say that it is a story about a group of criminals, at least one of whom is not who he claims to be. In other words, it’s a lot like the current democrat party.

Just as the Devil has played the gullible for centuries, the Left has a long history of deceiving the public. It’s the only chance they have to get any votes, and until they have managed to “remake” America so that that illegals, un-vetted Muslim “refugees,” and “asylum” seekers from the Third World, and their children, outnumber people whose great-grandparents were born in America, they will continue to lie, lie and lie some more. In congenital liar, Hillary Clinton, they have the perfect standard bearer, a woman who doesn’t just utter the politically expedient lie. She lies just for the fun of it! “Sir Edmund Hilary” indeed. Hillary why would you lie about that? Felt like it! Hillary Clinton has violated at least two federal statutes, and is the most corrupt individual ever to run for president.

But of course, that doesn’t matter, does it? I guess I can understand why. Consider the following comparison of the two candidates:

Hillary Clinton
Wants to continue and expand the failing disaster Obamacare, and coerce young people into buying insurance they can’t afford and don’t need by increasing the penalty In 1997, “fat shamed” a Miss Universe who had blimped into a rotund land orca

Donald Trump
In 1997, “fat shamed” a Miss Universe who had blimped into a rotund land orca

Hillary Clinton
Wants to expand Obama’s “refugee” resettlement scheme, bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslims that even she admits we can’t screen for terror ties into middle America at a cost of over $400 billion

Donald Trump
Betrayed “who we are” by declaring that he would suspend immigration of people whose religion dictates that they kill non-believers until we can figure out “what the hell is going on.” After 14 Americans were slaughtered in San Bernardino

Hillary Clinton
In secret in a 2013 speech to a Brazilian bank, declared her support for “open borders,” and vows to defend Obama’s illegal “pen and phone” amnesty for not only so-called “DREAMers,” but also their parents

Donald Trump
Tweeted that musician Neil Young is a “total hypocrite”

Hillary Clinton
Embraces “Black Lives Matter” and “campus rape culture” hoaxes in a cynical ploy to appeal to low-information members of identity politics mascot groups

Donald Trump
Tweeted that SNL is “an unfunny show”

Hillary Clinton
Plans to use executive orders to destroy the 2nd Amendment

Thinks it should be illegal to criticize her, so in a blatant violation of separation of powers, vows to appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will promise to overrule the Citizens United case

Donald Trump
Made lewd comments in what he thought was a private conversation with an entertainment reporter

Tweeted that Meghan McCain is “obnoxious”

Hillary Clinton
Described by Colin Powell who “screws up everything” she touches (see Libya, Syria, the State Department that “misplaced” $6 billion)

Donald Trump
Called members of the media “low lives”

Hillary Clinton
Violated the Espionage Act and the Federal Records Act

Donald Trump
“Menaced” Hillary Clinton on a debate stage by invading her space

Hillary Clinton
Received millions in contributions to her family Foundation in exchange for allowing Russia to gain control of 20 per cent of the uranium in the U.S.

Donald Trump
Got booed at Al Smith dinner

See what I mean? It’s a really tough call who to put in charge of fighting ISIS, appointing new Supreme Justices, and re-invigorating our stagnant economy. How can Americans decide when the choice is so unclear?

Image:;; public domain

Share if you agree the choice is clear.

Politics, Pop Culture, the Hottest Issues of the Day, the flagship show of the Informed America Radio network, The Teri O’Brien Show, featuring America’s Original Conservative Warrior Princess, Live and in vivid red, white and blue, Sundays 5-7 pm Eastern time (4-6 pm Central) at and, and anytime on demand on iHeart Radio, Stitcher Radio, and iTunes.

Teri O'Brien

Teri O'Brien is America's Original Conservative Warrior Princess, and host of The Teri O'Brien Show, which debuted on Chicago's radio home for Rush Limbaugh, and now airs in the cutting edge world of online media, She is a yoga-practicing, 2nd Amendment-loving, bench pressing Mac girl geek, attorney, provocateur, author, and dangerous thinker. Teri is also the author of the new ebook, The ABC's of Barack Obama: Understanding God's Gift to America. Learn more at