News Clash

JACKASSES: Look What The GAY Cabal Did In Front Of PENCE’S House

Because… they’d all be ‘totes kewl’ if you held a Bible study on THEIR lawn.


They wouldn’t be ok with that?

A few hundred people gathered outside Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s temporary house in Chevy Chase, Md., on Wednesday evening for a “Queer Dance Party,” as it was deemed by organizers.

Groups WERK for Peace and DisruptJ20 created the event to say “homophobia and transphobia is wrong and should be resisted,” according to Firas Nasr, founder of the first group…

…before Pence leaves, LGBT supporters wanted to remind Pence, who has said his Christian beliefs mandate his nonsupport for LGBT issues, of how they feel.
Read more: Washington Examiner

Here is the full invitation from DisruptJ20:

The homo/transphobic Mike Pence has graciously invited us to shake our booties and bodies in front of/around his house in Chevy Chase. We plan on leaving behind [biodegradable] glitter and rainbow paraphinalia that he can NEVER forget. #WeAreQueer #WeAreHere #WeWillDance That’s right, get ready to WERK it and tell Daddy Pence: homo/transphobia is not tolerated in our country!

WERK for Peace and DisruptJ20 are teaming up to bring you the best dance party in the nation, so you betta’ show up and weerrrrkkk! We will meet at the Friendship heights metro and make our way via carpooling or dance to Daddy Pence’s neighborhood. Bring your flyest rainbow gear and your booty/body shaking skills!

Afterparty Fundraiser Location TBA!

They called for ‘Daddy Pence’ to come and join them:

A few hundred gathered:

Watch the organizer Firas Nasr:

This kind of thing really ticks off all those hard-working ‘deplorables’ that are excited about Trump and Pence.

So they have an uninvited twerk-fest on the lawn of a private residence and drop garbage all over…


I must’ve missed that chapter in Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to Win Friends And Influence People’.

Well, these folks have probably endeared themselves to Pence’s neighbors.

But hey, whatever works for you.

All of you ‘activists’ just keep doing what you’re doing and Democrats won’t get elected for a looooong time.

Share if you think these people found one of the most DEPLORABLE way of protesting

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker