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NOT HER FAULT: Hillary Says, ‘Misogyny Played A Role’ In Her Election Loss

Hillary Clinton was speaking at the Women In The World Summit this week, and she continues with the canard that ‘misogyny’ cost her the election.

Hillary’s been making a few more appearances lately.

Though she didn’t sport any leather like the leader of #TheResistance — or Jon Bon Jovi — she did have on a long Kim Jong Un style coat.

She was interviewed by Nicholas Kristof at the Women In The World Summit in New York. She spoke about walks in the woods, her disappointment after the election, her fears of Trump, Russia, women’s rights and, of course, misogyny.

Hillary also debuted her new single that she’s been working on since November:

Ok, so maybe she didn’t make that song.

It was still funny.

You can subject yourself to the torture watch the full interview here:

(FYI: you’ll have to jump to the 6:54 mark to skip over the atrocious introduction by Samantha Bee.)

If you skip to the 18:00 mark, you’ll catch the misogyny remarks by Kristof that ‘misogyny won with women voters’.

Here is a portion of her response to the baited question:

Certainly, misogyny played a role. And that just has to be admitted, and why and what the underlying reasons for that, is what I’m trying to figure out myself… I think in this election there was a very real struggle between what is viewed as change that is welcomed and exciting to so many Americans and change which is worrisome and threatening to so many others. You layer on the first woman president over that, and I think some people, women included, had big problems.


Well, Hillary has made it the refrain of her career that she should be elected because she’s a woman.

Hillary has constantly blamed ‘misogyny’ for her inability to be liked.

But we’re thinking it’s something else.

Perhaps it’s her propensity to lie.

And cheat.

Her obvious hunger for power.

Maybe, just maybe, some women don’t like the way Hillary treated the women that accused Bill of sexual assault.

Or that her foundation took money for Haiti relief and lined Clinton pockets with it.

Etc., etc., etc.

The blame game kept going on in the Clinton campaign and in the Media (D).

The preferred reasons are the Electoral College, James Comey, Russian Hacking, and Fake News.

But Hillary says it’s misogyny.

And she’s not likely to give up that excuse anytime soon.

Share if you think that Hillary lost the election because she was a lousy candidate

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker