Trump Could Cure CANCER And Dems Would COMPLAIN He Put Doctors Out Of Work
What does President Trump have to do to get a little respect from the Democrats?
We think that President Trump could LITERALLY cure cancer and the Democrats woudl complain that he’d be putting doctors out of work.
Maybe they’d like him if he acted more like President Obama.
Because they just loooooooved Barry.
Here, you go, President Trump — a handy, dandy list of ways to make the Democrats love you:
– lie repeatedly to the American people
– go on an ‘apology tour’ and undercut American exceptionalism
– be a ‘beta’ male and let your wife be more masculine than you
– refuse to acknowledge radical Islamic Terror
– use race-baiting as a distraction from many scandals (IRS, NSA, DOJ, and Benghazi)
– use ideology to pad your wallet and give you a chance to talk about yourself
– meddle with foreign elections of close allies (Israel, The U.K. with Brexit)
– use the IRS as a weapon against your political enemies
– spy on American citizens against rules that you create
– claim to have a ‘scandal-free’ Administration
– demand a different candidate for President from your rival party
– claim your successor is a national disgrace, but actually be one
We’ve just scratched the surface with this list.
Do you have any more ideas for President Trump to make the Democrats love him the way they loved Obama?
Let us know what they are in the comments.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male