QUESTION: Did Comey Sound Like A Whiney Lying Wussy Today Or What?
The day finally came… Comey got to be the center of attention. Which, considering the Drama queen he’s been to this point, is EXACTLY where he wanted to be.
Now that the ‘fateful day’ has come, has anything come from it?
Well, some exchanges will result in some serious disappointment from the Dems.
Comey was backed into a corner and made to admit that Trump never explicitly told him to do anything improper.
Senator Risch: “I hope” — this is the president speaking — “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Now, those are his exact words; is that correct?
Comey: Correct
After establishing that Trump never TOLD him to do anything he shouldn’t, he tried to dance around it and focus on his subjective feelings about the matter, he was eventually pinned down…
Risch: You don’t know of anyone that’s been charged for hoping something?
Comey: I don’t, as I sit here.
Why did Comey leak the private conversation with Trump? Well, poor little Comey’s reason is that he released that information as a supposed ‘result’ of Trump’s tweet.
Unfortunately for Comey, his excuse doesn’t fit the timeline.
KASOWITZ: Although Mr. Comey testified that he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from those memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey’s excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to be entirely retaliatory. We will leave it to appropriate authorities to determine whether these leaks should be investigated along with all the others that are being investigated.
RUSH: Now, what this is about is Comey said that he decided to release his memos in response to a Trump tweet. Comey thought he needed to protect himself. But what the lawyer here is saying is the public record reveals the New York Times was quoting from Comey’s memos before Trump tweeted anything, after Comey said the tweet was why he released the memos. The lawyer also said that Trump never said to Comey, “Let Flynn go, let the Flynn thing go, let go of it, turn it loose,” and he never once pressured Comey.
He has come out with both barrels and has accused Comey of lying specifically, in addition to accusing him of becoming a leaker. Comey today also blew up a New York Times story about the Trump campaign having repeated contact with the Russians. What Comey said today is, “In main, it was not true.” He was talking about a February 14th New York Times story that was titled, “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts with Russia.” — Rush Limbaugh
Which is doubly unfortunate for him since he is trying to cast himself as the honest man being victimized by a dishonest President.
If we can’t trust what he’s said about the timeline, what aspects of his testimony CAN we trust?
Worse yet, Comey admitted he had a specific political MOTIVE for releasing the leaks:
James Comey says he leaked Trump meeting memo in order to secure appointment of special prosecutor
Comey was the last great hope the Politcal (and Media) Left had of ‘getting’ Trump with something juicy they might translate into an impeachment proceeding.
Now their only option is to continue the endless obstructionism and unnamed attacks on his character. (Of course, today was a bad day for them, too. Some of them got outed as fake news. In a hearing. By name.)
And CNN, who asserted that Comey would be denying Trump’s claim that Trump told him he was not under investigation? Whoops.
Yes, that is YET another BS story from the supposed ‘Most trusted name in news’.
Poor babies. They’re unlikely to man up and join the real world. If they ever want to take that step, they could grab this book. It would be a great start.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
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