YO EUROPE: Will The LATEST Terrorist Attacks Wake You From Your SLUMBER?
This past week we have seen terror strike at the hearts of both London and Paris.
In London, three jihadists carried out a terrorist attack in London by crashing a van onto the pavement of London Bridge, running over several pedestrians in the process. The jihadists then exited the van and ran to a nearby area, where they began attacking people with long knives before being shot dead by the police. When it was over, the terrorists had killed eight people and wounded another forty-eight individuals. The terrorists (all of whom were wearing fake suicide vests to further instill fear into their victims) were identified as Khuram Shazam Butt, Rachid Redouane, and Youssef Zagba.
In the aftermath of the attack, the authorities arrested over a dozen people who were thought to be collaborating with the terrorists. In addition, the usual politically correct nonsense emerged, with claims of hate crimes taking place in response to the terrorist attacks and praise for multiculturalism in Britain.
This was the third terrorist attack to occur in Britain during the past few months. On March 22 of this year, a jihadist drove a car into various pedestrians along the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street, killing four people and injuring over fifty other people. The terrorist then exited the car and fatally stabbed a police officer before being shot to death by another police officer. Then there was the terrorist attack in Manchester last month, in which a suicide bomber killed twenty-three people and wounded another 119 people at an Ariana Grande concert.
Meanwhile, in Paris, a jihadist attacked a police officer with a hammer outside the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The perpetrator, Farid Ikken, was then shot by police and taken to a nearby hospital. This attack (which occurred on the seventy-third anniversary of D-Day) resulted in the cathedral being on lockdown for two hours.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for both the terrorist attacks in both cities, which brings us to the question: what is it going to take for the people of Europe (especially their leaders) to wake up and take more effective measures in dealing with jihad? Instead of letting in more Muslim immigrants, the nations across Europe need to bring such immigration to a halt and do away with their open borders policies. A larger crackdown on suspected jihadists would help, as would recognizing Islam and jihad for what they are. Thus, Britain, France, and the rest of Europe need to stop being politically correct.