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CLASH POLL: NFL Changes It’s Mind About Player Protests – Will You Start Watching Them Again?

Now that the NFL players are going to stand for the anthem, are you going to watch the games?

Just a few months ago, Roger Goodell expressed his support for NFL players that wanted to protest, but said that fans were raising questions about the ‘time and place’ and whether it was being done ‘in the right way’.

That’s what we’ve been saying at ClashDaily — players are free to protest, but on their own time and on their own dime.

On Tuesday President Trump tweeted out his statement about possibly changing the tax law to exclude the NFL from benefiting from tax breaks.

It didn’t take long after that for Roger Goodell to issue a letter to all the teams.

He’d finally seen the light because he got hit right in the wallet. Sometimes that’s what it takes.

Doug Giles has his own message for Roger Goodell, and it’s awesome:

President Trump even gave Goodell a little left-handed compliment:

It has taken a year for Goodell to order the teams to knock off the ‘Take A Knee’ protests, and the entire NFL has been hurt with decreased viewership and lower ticket sales.

Of course, they initially blamed a dip in ratings in 2016 to the Election, but that wasn’t what was happening. People were upset by the politicization of football.

This is our game — an American game — and we don’t want politics infused into it.

And let’s be clear, the NFL has taken stances against a player’s 9/11 cleats to remember the victims and honor first responders on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 and they cracked down on Dallas Cowboys pro-Law Enforcement decal after the ambush murder of several Dallas police officers — this was not about free speech.

They were letting the Kaepernick’s Anti-Cop/Systemic Racism protest spread through the league but didn’t allow memorials to victims of terrorism or victims of a nutbar Black Lives Matter activist.

But now, it seems, the fit has hit the shan, and Goodell has decided it’s got to stop.

Is he too little, too late?

Has the NFL morphed into WTF?

Does your grandpa go off on paltry politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans? Does he get misty eyed when he talks about God and Country and America’s future? And have you ever heard him scream, ‘Awww … Hell no!’ when Rosie O’Donnell starts yapping on television? If you answered yes to one, or all of the above, then your gramps will love Doug Giles’ latest book, My Grandpa’s A Patriotic Badass.

Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa’s A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.

Share if you still love football but maybe not the NFL

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker