Denzel Just Put A Hell Of A DENT In The Race Baiters’ Fairy Tale

Denzel Washington is going WAY off-script with these comments. The Hollywood leftists will be FURIOUS!
The 62-year old Oscar-winning actor was promoting his new movie, Roman J. Israel, Esq. a story about an idealistic L.A. lawyer whose life turns upside down when his mentor, a civil rights activist, dies. A string of events then put his ideology to the test.
Because it is a story about a lawyer, it inevitably deals with the justice system.
Watch the trailer for the movie here:
When asked if the role made him more cynical of the prison system, Washington responded, ‘It starts at the home.’
When he was asked to explain his answer, he said:
‘It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.
‘So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.’
In an earlier interview, Washington spoke about his childhood and his formative years.
‘I grew up with guys who did decades (in prison) and it had as much to do with their fathers not being in their lives as it did to do with any system,‘ he told Reuters.
Washington, recalling some of the people he grew up with, added: ‘By the time we got to 13, 14, different things happened.
‘Now I was doing just as much as they were, but they went further… I just didn’t get caught, but they kept going down that road and then they were in the hands of the system. But it´s about the formative years. You’re not born a criminal.’
Source: Daily Mail
At a time when the activists like Colin Kaepernick and other leftists are constantly claiming it’s because of ‘systemic racism’ in all police forces across the country, it’s refreshing to hear Denzel Washington say something so candid about the possible reasons for the higher incarceration rates of African Americans in the prison system. And that it’s because we have a problem with broken families.
We agree, Denzel, it does start in the home.
All Americans benefit from a strong, family unit.
One day, perhaps all Americans on the left and the right will value the family as a foundational institution for raising good citizens.
We need to stop diminishing the role of the family in society.
We need more dads stepping up to raise their kids — and that doesn’t matter what skin color you are.
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