Hunting Hottie Encourages KIDS To Share Pics Of Their KILLS – Cue The Liberal Rage 3, 2 and 1

And of course, the hostile press is already throwing around terms like ‘bloodsport’ or ‘defenseless animals’.
Kendell Jones is no stranger to either Hunting or to Social media controversies.
This lovely lady of hunting was at the center of a media storm after posting some photos of a successful hunt.
A British tabloid called her a ‘bloodthirsty youngster’, in part, because she posed next to a lion she shot, among other big game.
The anti-hunting lobby thought it would be a ‘proportional’ response to threaten her with bodily harm. It was all in the name of ‘peace’, we suppose. There was a ‘Kill Kendall Jones’ Facebook Page that was eventually taken down after a lot of public pressure was put on them.
We didn’t see Dan Savage and ‘It Gets Better’ ride in to the rescue when other hunters were bullied, either. Like the tragic case of Melania Capitan, a well-known huntress and blogger.
She was another beautiful female huntress with a high-profile platform supporting hunting and conservation. And therefore a natural target.
What compassionate response did we see from her critics — after a suicide?
“You have done a favour to humanity! Bye bye,” one comment read.
Source: Independent
Wow, guys. Stay classy!
Kendell Jones has a great idea for a pushback. Get LOTS of younger kids to post their hunting pics, posing next to their kills to de-stigmatize hunting.
Call it an ‘awareness campaign’ if you like.
We live in a weirdly backward world where slut-shaming is bad, but hunt-shaming is awesome.
Wear whatever the hell you want, why should we care? But when it comes to hunting that’s ethical and conservation, your hunt-shaming statements are both unwelcome and uninformed.
Case in point — one really young guy did his part to feed his entire village when many of them have difficulty making ends meet. He was sixteen, and brought back a whale (yes a whale) to supply his northern village with needed food. How cool is that!
But he’s in the Western Hemisphere, so they’re ragging on him for not just going to the Walmart or something.
Or the huntress who shot a giraffe — to kill a nuisance animal and fed 400 orphans in Africa with the meat they harvested from it. Father And Twelve-Year-Old Daughter Feed Hundreds Of Orphans — Liberals OUTRAGED!
Kendall is calling for kids to post pictures of their successful hunts.
If enough people will doing this, it might help shift the needle back to sanity. Non-hunters might stop seeing hunters as some sort of an exotic breed or cultural curiosity.
We don’t mean post crazy or sadistic pics. Just some simple ‘look what I did’ photos for us all to share in their moment of accomplishment.
If you start small…
You get better. And your hunts will get more interesting…
Of course, that’s what they’re afraid will happen.
But really you’d think they would be all-in.
Organic food? Check.
Active lifestyle? Check.
Social involvement? Check.
Boosting confidence and sense of well-being? Check.
But you’re offended by the killing.
How about these protesters take some of that energy, and apply it to Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit, getting the killing THERE down a few orders of magnitute, first.
And when you’ve managed that, get back to us, and we can bring you up to speed on the morality of killing animals.
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