Dear CNN: 2 DACA ‘Dreamers’ Busted For Human Smuggling In A ‘Sanctuary State’ – Is That ‘News?’

How does this story square with what they keep telling us about those ‘awesome’, high-achieving DREAM-ers?
Aren’t Human Smugglers among the worst kind of people? And isn’t this why we wanted that wall in the first place?
The goal of our immigration policy is SUPPOSED to be attracting people who share our views to integrate into the American society.
It is NOT to profiteer while helping people circumvent the laws that our society intentionally made to protect itself from those who would either cheat our society, or mean us harm.
And yet, ‘shockingly’ some of those ‘poor innocent DACA recipients’ who have only ever known America as home, blah, blah, blah…
…have been busted in a Human Smuggling ring. Not for the FIRST time, either.
Two men who were in the United States under the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program have been arrested on suspicion of human smuggling, federal officials said on Monday.
Border Patrol agents arrested the two men in separate incidents on January 24 and 25, 2018.
…Three men were inside the vehicle. The agents found that the 20-year-old is a DACA recipient and his 22-year-old cousin is a Mexican national illegally residing in the US.A 21-year-old Mexican national illegally in the US was also in the vehicle.
‘Both the driver and his cousin admitted their involvement with human smuggling in the area,’ according to Customs and Border Protection.
…He allegedly admitted that he was performing scouting duties for a smuggling crew.
Agents also claim that he admitted that he was ‘coordinating with another driver of a vehicle to relay information related to Border Patrol operations in the area and the status of the Border Patrol checkpoint to aid in illegal smuggling’.
Border Patrol agents said the man resides in Riverside County as a DACA recipient.
Agents also found that the man had allegedly participated in alien smuggling on multiple occasions.
Source: DailyMail
The ‘multiple occasions’ part makes you ask — why the HELL is he STILL here? If not prison, he should sent back to whichever S-hole country he came from.
He obviously doesn’t give a damn about America or our laws. Why should we let him stick around?
Should Human Smugglers' Property be sold to supplement border enforcement and The Wall?
Does your grandpa go off on paltry politicians, whether they be Democrats or Republicans? Does he get misty eyed when he talks about God and Country and America’s future? And have you ever heard him scream, ‘Awww … Hell no!’ when Rosie O’Donnell starts yapping on television? If you answered yes to one, or all of the above, then your gramps will love Doug Giles’ latest book, My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass.
Don’t be fooled by the title — this ain’t just for Grandpa.
The Snowflake Generation — and the rest of America — needs a good ol’ dose of ‘Grandpa wisdom’.
Especially if that Grandpa is Doug Giles.
You’ll love My Grandpa Is A Patriotic Badass just as much as Grandpa will.
What Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddow and the Rest of The Media (D) STILL haven’t figured out yet is why we call them ‘Fake News’.
Let’s spell it out for them. In a shirt.
Because you know they won’t be able to figure it out on their own.
JOUR-NAL-IST: A Professional Liar For Liberal Causes
There’s a ladies’ version…
And a men’s version…
The problem isn’t just the lies they tell…
It’s the truth they DON’T tell…
And the opinions laced right through them.
It’s propaganda:
JOUR-NAL-IST: A Professional Liar For Liberal Causes
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!