LMAO: CNN Stunned By Democrats Who Love Trump – This Is A Must See!

Lifelong Democrats from Dem families that crossed the aisle to vote for Trump weigh in one year later.
These are exactly the sort of people that cost Hillary her ‘blue wall’. And they like Trump even more than ever.
It’s ordinary people like these that expose the extreme rhetoric spouted by Don Lemon, Jay-Z, Pelosi and Schiff as the pathetic lies they are.
A female black student gave a pretty simple and credible reason she doesn’t buy the ‘Trump is Racist’ line. (Paging Don Lemon!)
People who used to cringe when Trump would tweet have warmed up to it. Why? Becuase the see what he is up against in the media. They guy’s own words? If I only knew about Trump what I read about him, I probably wouldn’t like him either.
An inner-city pastor was happy with Trump’s economic record because he believed it would help the people in his neighborhood see better times.
While Pelosi and Co. prattle on about ‘Armageddon’ and ‘dark clouds’ over DC, people who AREN’T worth millions are grateful for the difference Trump and his policies have made in their personal lives.
Go ahead, Pelosi. Double down all day long. Make that us-and-them distinction as clear as you can.
And then look up the name Walter Mondale.
The rest of America will carry on without you.
One thing that increasingly unites men and women? We can both agree that Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds. Now there’s a shirt that says just that.
Conveniently available in Both Ladies…
AND Men’s versions.
Either Liberals just don’t get it, or they are sick in the head. Probably both. Think about it: They want to have all of the blessings that come with living in a capitalist society such as modern medicine and technology. But they believe in socialism, which stifles innovation and progress.
They want to be protected by the police and the military, but they attack and criticize the men and women who protect us. They call conservatives “racists,” but it’s their own identity politics that have created race problems in the first place. After all, Democrats were the party of slavery!
They attack hunters, but have no problem wearing leather shoes or owning cars with leather upholstery! And of course, they believe guns kill people. Not the people that pull the trigger.
Well, here’s a shirt that sums it perfectly. Liberalism is a… MENTAL DISORDER.
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!
Ladies, get yours here.
Bros, click here, instead.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog, ClashDaily.com, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male