LMAO: Guess How Much Connie Britton’s ‘Poverty Is Sexist’ Shirt Costs – $29, $75, or $380?

Those Hollywood elites are really in touch with the ‘little’ people — as evidenced by Connie Britton’s activist outfit at the Golden Globes.
She didn’t drop tens of thousands on a designer gown that she’d wear once, so, at least there’s that.
Instead, actress Connie Britton decided to wear black in support of the Time’s Up movement and take things one step further in her activism. She wore a black sweater with the words ‘Poverty is Sexist’ embroidered on the front in white script.
How much could that possibly cost?
Maybe it’s a recycled plain black sweater that she stitched the words on?
That’s not good enough for a Hollywood star!
Sure, it may look like a third-grader’s cursive writing, but Connie Britton paid big bucks for that frumpy sweater!
She had to make a statement, right?
And statements don’t come cheap.
Especially if you want to pair it with a long, flowing skirt to walk the red carpet.
If you guessed that her sweater was a measly $29, you’re wrong.
Nor was it a paltry $75.
This statement ran around $380.
The sweater appears to be specially designed by Lingua Franca; similar pieces typically retail for around $380…
…According to this celeb, repping #PovertyIsSexist stems from her wish that the Time’s Up movement will effect change in spheres beyond Hollywood. “To me, my hope is that we start looking outside of Hollywood and really make this a movement that will impact all women in the United States and all women in the world,” Britton told TooFab.
Source: E! Online
Um… is it just me, or would it be awkward to mention that a lot of this sexism where creepy men sexually harass beautiful, young women and trade sex for favors is a distinctly Hollywood thing?
She paid $380 for a sweater.
The sweater is supposed to raise awareness of Bono’s One campaign called, ‘#Poverty Is Sexist’.
From the website:
Nowhere on earth do women have as many opportunities as men. Nowhere. But for girls and women in the poorest countries, that inequality is amplified.
We won’t end extreme poverty until we break down the barriers holding girls and women back.
Sexism is global – the fight against it should be too. Join the movement and use your voice to call for change. We’re almost 8 million strong already, but we’ll be even more powerful with you.
Really? Nowhere on earth? How about America?
Oprah’s done pretty well for herself. And if you were to believe the progressives, it would’ve been damned near impossible because she’s a black woman that came out of poverty — that’s three strikes against her.
But that doesn’t fit the narrative, so they’re going to go with Hillary losing to President Trump as a sign of sexism — not that she was a horrendously bad candidate.
Britton’s message was hand-stitched onto cashmere — hence the hefty price tag.
Because nothing says that you’re supporting the downtrodden and the bedraggled huddled masses quite like cashmere.
But that’s ok, the money goes to charity.
It’s apparently not completely tone-deaf for a millionaire female celebrity to wear a $380 sweater that reads, ‘Poverty is Sexist’.
Others weren’t so keen on Britton’s activism.
Instead, they shared some pretty brutal truths:
Nothing says you're in touch with the people you're preaching to like wearing a sweatshirt saying 'Poverty is Sexist' that costs $380. pic.twitter.com/gM8xURTpBs
— X (Formerly Known As Numbersmuncher) (@NumbersMuncher) January 8, 2018
In 2013, The US Interagency Council on Homelessness estimated that of the chronically homeless, 75% are male. 1/3 of those are veterans.
And 97% of the homeless vets are male.
Poverty is sexist, but not in the way she thinks. https://t.co/gdZ0pLY7dN
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) January 8, 2018
She's right, poverty is sexist. In my lifetime, of the homeless people I've seen, 90% were men compared to 10% women… https://t.co/8wZack5iNc
— Paul Sacca (@Paul_Sacca) January 8, 2018
Female millionaire celebrity tries to explain why poverty is sexist https://t.co/kdvm2ctAgP
— Ben McDonald (@Bmac0507) January 8, 2018
Update: That Poverty is sexist sweater retails for $380!!!!!
Do you know how many meals $380 could provide a family?
What a bunch of out of touch a-holes.#GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2018
Source for pricing: https://t.co/XqnZlug0Dt pic.twitter.com/xD61PIIzKE— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 8, 2018
Connie Britton is just not going to get it.
She has imbibed the leftist culture that permeats Hollywood like noxious fog and sticks to everything that it touches.
Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog, ClashDaily.com, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male
There’s one thing that increasingly unites men and women these days. We can both agree that Liberals are losing their ever-loving minds. Now there’s a shirt that says just that.
Conveniently available in Both Ladies…
AND Men’s versions.
Either Liberals just don’t get it, or they are sick in the head. Probably both. Think about it: They want to have all of the blessings that come with living in a capitalist society such as modern medicine and technology. But they believe in socialism, which stifles innovation and progress.
They want to be protected by the police and the military, but they attack and criticize the men and women who protect us. They call conservatives “racists,” but it’s their own identity politics that have created race problems in the first place. After all, Democrats were the party of slavery!
They attack hunters, but have no problem wearing leather shoes or owning cars with leather upholstery! And of course, they believe guns kill people. Not the people that pull the trigger.
Well, here’s a shirt that sums it perfectly. Liberalism is a… MENTAL DISORDER.
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!
Ladies, get yours here.
Bros, click here, instead.