Dear Feminists: Straight Basketball Star Says Lesbians Culture In The WNBA ‘Broke Her Spirit’

Will the ‘tolerant left’ speak out against this bullying?
Probably not.
Because the left loves the LGBTQ+ community too much.
They’re oppressed minorities.
What happens when the minority becomes the majority?
Are they tolerant and ‘live and let live’?
One player says that the ‘lesbian culture’ within the WNBA made her uncomfortable and she was bullied for the 8 years she was playing ball in the league.
Candice Wiggins was a college star at Stanford, the third pick of the 2008 WNBA draft and a 2011 champion. And at the mountaintop of her basketball career, her sexuality marred the moment.
There is a “very, very harmful” culture running throughout the WNBA, she says, which saw her get bullied during her eight-year career because she is heterosexual.
Eight years of bullying.
If it were the other way around, the Media (D) would be all over this story.
Candice Higgins was drafted by the WNBA in 2008 and played for the Lynx, Shock, Sparks, and Liberty throughout her career which ended in 2015.
“It wasn’t like my dreams came true in the WNBA. It was quite the opposite,” Wiggins said in an extensive San Diego Tribune story published Monday. “… I wanted to play two more seasons of WNBA, but the experience didn’t lend itself to my mental state. It was a depressing state in the WNBA. It’s not watched. Our value is diminished. It can be quite hard. I didn’t like the culture inside the WNBA, and without revealing too much, it was toxic for me. … My spirit was being broken.”
The 30-year-old couldn’t take it anymore — being harassed for being straight and fighting for attention in a league that is starved.
“Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman was huge,” Wiggins said. “I would say 98 percent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. It was a conformist type of place. There was a whole different set of rules they [the other players] could apply.”
Higgins reveals that she didn’t feel welcome in the WNBA because she was heterosexual.
“There was a lot of jealousy and competition, and we’re all fighting for crumbs,” Wiggins said. “The way I looked, the way I played – those things contributed to the tension.
“People were deliberately trying to hurt me all of the time. I had never been called the B-word so many times in my life than I was in my rookie season. I’d never been thrown to the ground so much. The message was: ‘We want you to know we don’t like you.’ “
Source: New York Post
They bullied Higgins because she was straight. Don’t leftists always say that that kind of thing doesn’t ever happen?
Looks like it did here.
We’ll wait for them to denounce it.
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