She’s Back! Race-Faker Rachel Dolezal Busted For Welfare Fraud

Did she think nobody would notice the money she got from her book deal?
Sure, her Netflix special was a flop, with one review opening with the line ‘Rarely has a film been so uneagerly anticipated’ but she’s got an income, right?
There was the $84,000 she got for that book deal, after all.
Seriously, someone really paid $84k to hear her story, and publish it for all to ignore.
If she’s making money, and $84K is substantially more than the national average of something like $60k, why was she cashing welfare checks?
We don’t have an answer for that beyond the obvious answers of dishonesty, greed and a sense of entitlement.
Just like we don’t have a rational answer for why she’s ‘transracial’, a white girl identifying as a black one. Except for the same category of reason.
The investigator conducted a review of Diallo’s records and found she’d been reporting her income was usually less than $500 per month, in child support payments. At one point when asked as to how she was paying her bills, she reported, “Barely! With help from friends and gifts.”
However, a subpoena for her self-employment records, which included copies of her bank statements from 2015 to present, tells a different story. The bank records, court documents say, showed Diallo had deposited about $83,924 into her bank account in several monthly installments between August 2015 and September 2017, without reporting the income to the Department of Social and Health Services. The money, according to the case file, had come from authoring her book, ‘In Full Color,’ speaking engagements, soap making, doll making, and the sale of her art.
Source: KHQ Spokane
Here’s what she’s charged with:
Rachel Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, was charged this week with theft by welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance.
Court documents say she illegally received $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in child care assistance from August 2015 through November 2017.
An investigation started in March 2017 when a state investigator received information that she had written a book.
Source: NYPost
Perjury? You mean she’s being charged with lying?
There is a silver lining, for her, though.
She might still be able to find work at a major network. Just look at people like Brian Williams and James Clapper. A reputation for lying seems to actually strengthen the resume in that crowd.
Is she making real black people look bad by inflating the crime stats?
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