Our vets are tough enough to survive waterboarding. But terrorists need to be handled with kid gloves?
What’s next? Give the terrorists coloring books and crying closets?
Now that the knives have come out for Trump’s CIA nominee Gina Haspel, everybody is talking about waterboarding.
Well, talk is cheap.
Action isn’t.
Tim Kennedy puts himself on the line to show just how ‘torturous’ this torture is.
His buddy Shane will be administering the “enhanced interrogation methods.” And Tim will be the guinea pig.
Here’s a shorter version that cuts right to the action:
Tim Kennedy is putting his money where his mouth is.
While the chattering class get together and wag their jaws about what they think of waterboarding…
Tim Kennedy is giving the world an upfront demonstration of exactly what that would look like.
At the beginning of Kennedy’s video (2:46), he states, “I just want everybody to understand what waterboarding is. Waterboarding is an opportunity for us to get information, useful information, out of somebody we’re questioning. There is no permanent damage, and it’s just the fear of water that scares people.”
Later (23:37), Kennedy asks the live-stream audience: “Does this look like torture to you guys?”, although he did admit that it’s highly uncomfortable.
Source: DailyWire
See for yourself. Is it ‘Torture’ like Whoopi and others would have you believe?
It’s not PLEASANT, sure.
But then again, if it were pleasant, it would never have gotten us that information out of our Al Quaeda source.
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