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Watch: It’s Astonishing To See Medieval Weirdness Thriving In The UK.

We’ve found your ‘toxic masculinity’, and it is indeed in the West.

A video online shows a crowd of shirtless men singing and beating themselves in the chest.

The men gathered in Ilford, Essex, East London.

Sounds like what would happen when their team won (0r lost) an important soccer game.

After all, those soccer fans in Europe are really something.

But that’s not what this was.

This public group self-flagellation was performed by Shiite men as an act of devotion.


This is actually a mild form of what is known as ‘zanjeer zani’, in some cases, men whip themselves in the back or on their head with curved-bladed knives.

Well, that’s not exactly my cup of tea.

Check out this excerpt from the Guardian in 2008 that explains why Shia Muslims engage in the practice of zanjeer zani in light of a trial of a 44-year old Muslim man that forced two young boys to engage in self-flagellation rituals, better known as ‘child abuse’ here in the West.

It strikes me that, though Zaidi’s actions crossed the boundaries of what is acceptable, the danger of this case is that the ritual of self-flagellation itself is demonised. Those adults who engage in self-flagellation with knives, chains or blades, do so with a consciousness of the ceremonial nature of the act, keenly watched by onlookers, children and adults alike, who, though they have seen it all before, continue to be mesmerised by the sheer spectacle of it – the display. This excitement is, for most, mixed with an actual sense of profound identification with the suffering of Imam Hussain, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic history tells us that Hussain, a venerated saint in Shism, stood up to the tyrant of the day, Yazid, 14 centuries ago in order to save Islam and humanity from despotism and oppression, [IRONY!] and to make the ultimate point about justice. During the 10-day siege, Hussain’s camp suffered unimaginable trials and tribulations, which, to many Muslims, not just Shias, has no equal.

Hussain was beheaded and his body mutilated and the few among his followers who survived were humiliatingly made to march on foot to the palace of Yazid in Damascus, where they were imprisoned: many of them died. It is said that bystanders along the route, realising what had happened, began to beat themselves and weep. This event is regarded as the beginnings of the self-flagellation rituals that we see today among Shia Muslims

…But it would be unjust if the Zaidi case were to poison the wider public’s view of a ritual that commemorates a death that, like the Christian concept of the crucifixion of Christ, is seen as the epitome of sacrifice for humanity, and the triumph of good over evil.

Source: The Guardian

Ok, so first, this bro obviously has no clue what the crucifixion was nor its significance.

Jesus, the Son of God, came and dwelt among us, and though He was tempted as we are, He lived a sinless life. He was tried, mocked and beaten. He then suffered on the cross, died and was buried. On the third day, He rose again and after 40 days, He ascended into Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus paid the ultimate price once for all and He suffered so that we don’t have to. He died so that we might live and be called ‘children of God’. All we must do is put our faith in Him as our Savior.

So, it’s totally not the same.

Second, don’t judge! It’s just multiculturalism, not a medieval ‘barbaric cultural practice’… unless you ask Express UK:

HARDLINE Muslims are partaking in barbaric medieval-style self-flagellation in London, it has been claimed.

A shocking video from 2013 appears to show a group of men with bloodied backs thrashing themselves with bladed instruments as a baying crowd looks on.

The practice, known as zanjeer zani, is so barbaric that it is banned in Iran, a Muslim republic.

In the disturbing video, men fanatically whip themselves on the back with curved blades and feverishly chant the name of the Imam Hussein, the Prophet Mohammed’s grandson.

The 2013 bloodletting ritual was carried out without permission of the mosque.

Fun Fact: You know who else said it was a ‘barbaric practice’?

This guy:

Massoud Shadjareh, head of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said: “This is a barbaric practice and should not be allowed for all kinds of reasons, not least health-and-safety grounds because of the blood that is flying around and the danger of cross-infection from the implements.

Source: Express UK

So, Linda Sarsour, when’s your march against this ‘toxic masculinity’?

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker